Kamis, 01 April 2021

Alex Salmond’s Alba party only gets 3% support in shock new poll - Daily Record

A shock poll suggests Alex Salmond’s hopes of returning to frontline politics could be in peril, as only 3% of Scots saying they would offer support at the ballot box.

Only 10% of those surveyed rank the former First Minister favourability.

A Survation poll, carried out for DC Thomson, shows the new pro-independence party, the Alba Party, could be seriously lagging behind other parties.

The results also reveal 71% of Scots view Salmond unfavourably which is the worst result for any mainstream political leader in the UK.

17% of those polled said he was helping the cause fo independence while more than half of Scots said Salmond was “hindering the cause for Scottish independence”.

The poll was carried out from March 29 to March 30 and surveyed 1000 Scots.

The SNP were revealed to be ahead in both constituency and list votes.

The poll shows they would receive 49% and 37% respectively, while the Tories sit on 21% and 18%, Labour 20% and 19%, the Liberal Democrats on 9% and 8%, the Greens on 11% in the list and the Alba Party trailing on 3%.

The SNP are put on track for a narrow majority with 66 MSPs.

Labour come in second on 24 with the Tories on 21, Greens on 11 and Lib Dems on 7.

50% of those poll had a favourable view of Nicola Sturgeon while only 17% of people have a favourable view of Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross and 22% have a positive view of Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar.

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After Salmond, Boris Johnson is viewed to be the most unpopular party leader among Scots with 56% saying they view him unfavourably.

Polling expert Professor Sir John Curtice said: “The headline is that it looks as though it’s all over for Salmond, though he might just get a seat in the north-east himself.

“But this is not what he needs if he is going to get his campaign to take off.

“If other polls come out over the weekend with similar numbers then he ain’t going to get broadcast coverage because the broadcasters will be able to say ‘you’re not a significant player in this election’.”

According to Prof Curtice, Salmond is failing to cut through and make a good impression among younger SNP voters.

He said: “Among SNP 2019 voters, Sturgeon has 87% favourability, Salmond 12%. He’s not convincing them, he’s not getting his argument across to that key constituency.”

Scottish politics

age on the SNP and the independence movement through trying to nail Sturgeon over the parliamentary inquiry has failed.”

Responding to the latest Survation Poll on voting intentions for the Scottish Parliament Elections on 6 May an Alba Spokesperson said: “After only three days since the launch of Scotland’s fastest growing party Alba’s scores are on the board.

“These early indications put Alba within touching distance of representation across Scotland.

“With five weeks still to go Alba’s support can only grow as we approach Polling Day.

“It is worth noting that Alba has already achieved, in three days, approaching half the level of support of the Liberal Democrats, a party which has existed for over a century.”

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2021-04-01 18:46:10Z

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