Jumat, 30 April 2021

Boris Johnson's phone number has been available online for 15 years, ex-security chief warns - The Times

The prime minister’s mobile number has been online for 15 years, meaning thousands of people might have access to it, a former security chief has warned.

Boris Johnson’s contact details were listed at the bottom of a press release from his time as a shadow minister in 2006, a security breach that could mean it is in the possession of hostile countries or individuals.

Lord Ricketts, a crossbench peer who was chairman of the joint intelligence committee, said that a minister changing their number when they come into office was an “elementary” security precaution.

“Access to the prime minister is a very valuable commodity and if this same mobile number has been used for 15 or 20 years then hundreds if not thousands of people

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2021-04-30 08:00:00Z

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