Minggu, 11 April 2021

Prince Philip: Duke's death has left 'huge void' for Queen - Duke of York - BBC News

The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Andrew watch the racing from the balcony of the Royal Box as they attend Derby Day at Epsom Racecourse in 2016
Getty Images

The Queen has described the death of the Duke of Edinburgh as "having left a huge void in her life", her son the Duke of York has said.

Prince Andrew said his father's death was a "terrible loss", and that his family was "rallying around".

"We've lost the grandfather of the nation," he added, as he left a service at Windsor.

Earlier, ex-PM Sir John Major said the Royal Family's shared grief was an "ideal opportunity" to mend any rifts.

Prince Andrew was joined at the Sunday service at Royal Lodge by the Earl and Countess of Wessex and their daughter Lady Louise Windsor.

He said the Royal Family was grateful for all the "absolutely amazing tributes" to Prince Philip.

The Earl of Wessex - the Queen's youngest son - said: "However much one tries to prepare oneself for something like this it's still a dreadful shock.

"And we're still trying to come to terms with that. And it's very, very sad.

"But I have to say that the extraordinary tribute and the memories that everybody has had and been willing to share has been so fantastic."

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2021-04-11 12:58:20Z

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