Senin, 19 April 2021

COVID news live – latest updates: New coronavirus variant from India found in UK not as concerning, scientist says - Sky News

PM says 'red list' status for India is a decision for independent body

During a visit to Gloucestershire, the Boris Johnson told broadcasters: "The red list is very much a matter for the independent UK Health Security Agency - they will have to take that decision.

"But Narendra Modi and I have basically come to the conclusion that, very sadly, I won't be able to go ahead with the trip. I do think it's only sensible to postpone, given what's happened in India, the shape of the pandemic there.

"Countries around the world including our own have been through this. I think everybody's got a massive amount of sympathy with India, what they're going through.

"And I just want to stress that this is, we're going to be going back, the relationship between the UK and India is of huge importance, and I'll be talking to Narendra Modi on Monday, we'll be trying to do as much as we can, virtually.

"Of course it will be frustrating, but we'll try and replicate as much as we can remotely, and then look forward to doing it in person as and when circumstances allow, and hopefully before the Cop summit in November and hopefully we'll get Narendra Modi over for the G7 in June."

Pic: Mr Johnson meeting Indian PM Narendra Modi in 2019 - PA

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2021-04-19 08:15:00Z

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