Senin, 12 April 2021

COVID-19: Snow, sleet and freezing temperatures to hit UK as pub beer gardens reopen in England - Sky News

It's set to be a chilly return to pubs in England today, with snow, sleet and low, single digit temperatures forecast for large parts of the UK.

And while the northern parts of England will stay bright this morning, the southern half of the nation faces rain, sleet and snow showers during the day, with flurries seen in west London, as well as Reading, Berkshire, Sevenoaks, Kent and parts of Oxfordshire already.

The easing of coronavirus restrictions today will see - as well as pubs - outdoor dining areas, non-essential shops, hairdressers, indoor gyms, swimming pools, nail salons and zoos welcoming customers for the first time in 2021.

Snow seen in north Oxfordshire on the day pub gardens reopened
Image: Snow seen in north Oxfordshire this morning

Boris Johnson has urged the UK to "behave responsibly" as pubs start serving again.

While people can enjoy meeting outside, the rules around indoor gatherings in England are still strict.

Around 40% of adults are yet to receive a first dose of a COVID vaccine, and only 7.5 million have had both jabs.

While people in England are heading back to the pub today, other parts of the UK have to wait a bit longer.

More from Covid-19

Wales is aiming to reopen outdoor hospitality on 26 April, the same day as Scotland.

Outdoor dining remains restricted in Northern Ireland.

The gloomy return to pubs in England comes following a chilly weekend with patches of snow seen in various regions of the UK.

Heavy rain and areas of hill snow are expected in Northern Ireland, Wales and western parts of England on Monday morning.

Throughout the day these showers will move south-eastwards, pushing into southern parts and the Midlands by the middle of the morning and hitting the south coast during the afternoon and into the evening.

Temperatures are forecast to be from around 6C (43F) in the Scottish isles to 12C (53.6F) in Cornwall.

London is expected to see temperatures around 10C (50F) and Manchester 7C (44.6F).

Scotland and northern England will have a sunny start to the week.

Overnight into Tuesday will see temperatures around freezing for much of the country, with the rest of the week cold but dry.

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2021-04-12 06:56:15Z

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