Jumat, 16 April 2021

COVID news live - latest updates: 'Double mutant' Indian coronavirus variant detected in UK, as weekly infection figures to be revealed - Sky News

People on zero-hours contracts or with insecure jobs twice as likely to die from COVID, research finds

As workers including delivery staff, carers, warehouse employees and bus and taxi drivers will no doubt be painfully aware, those people in the most insecure jobs have made up the majority of those most at risk during the pandemic.

And this perception has been reinforced by new analysis that shows coronavirus mortality rates in insecure jobs is twice as high as other occupations.

The TUC research found the number of deaths among men in insecure jobs was 51 per 100,000 people aged 20-64, compared to 24 per 100,000 people in less insecure occupations.

Among women in insecure employment it was 25 deaths per 100,000 people, compared to 13 per 100,000 in more secure roles.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: "Too many workers are trapped on zero-hours contracts or in other sorts of insecure work, and are hit by a triple whammy of endemic low pay, few workplace rights and low or no sick pay.

"Lots of them are the key workers we all applauded – like social care workers, delivery drivers and coronavirus testing staff. This must be a turning point.

"Ministers must urgently raise statutory sick pay to the level of the real Living Wage, and make sure everyone can get it – including those on zero-hours contracts and other forms of insecure work.

"If people can’t observe self-isolation when they need to, the virus could rebound. No one should have to choose between doing the right thing and putting food on the table."

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2021-04-16 07:31:25Z

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