Jumat, 31 Juli 2020

Met Office weather warning: Lightning storm alert as UK bakes in 35C scorcher- latest maps - Daily Express

And in the south west of England, parts of Cornwall, devon, Dorset and Somerset will see a balmy 24C, cooling off towards the coast again.

The Met Office said south-coast destinations such as Devon, Cornwall will stay "fresher", with temperatures peaking in the mid 20s,.

While sunseekers in Brighton will enjoy a pleasant 28C (82.4F) high today.

A red band of extreme heat makes its from London in a north-westerly direction, baking parts of the midlands up towards Birmingham and on to Manchester wutg temperatures of up to 31C.

While in Scotland, the mercury is expected to reach between 20C at the coast and 24C in the mainland.

The scorching temperatures come as the whole of Europe is bathed in a warm spell, with parts of Spain hitting a baking 41.1C by the same time this evening.

Portugal, France and parts of Italy will also see rising temperatures this evening.

But the good weather in the UK is expected to be short-lived and will not extend into the three-day "heatwave territory",, the MEt Office confirmed.

So far this month, the highest maximum temperature recorded was 28.5C (83.3F) on July 17 at Heathrow Airport.

"We've not seen a temperature anywhere above 30 so far or even with a three in it, that is quite unusual for July," a Met spokesman said.

"In terms of shifting the overall weather stats for the month, it's not going to do much to the average."

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2020-07-31 08:49:00Z

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