Rabu, 29 Juli 2020

Coronavirus cluster in Greater Glasgow confirmed as probe launched into outbreak - Daily Record

A probe has been launched after an outbreak of coronavirus was confirmed in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

The cluster of eight positive cases was recorded in the last 24 hours and is linked to a number of businesses in the region, including a pharmacy in Inverclyde.

Nicola Sturgeon earlier revealed 14 out of 22 people who tested positive for the virus on Tuesday are from the country's largest health board area - which covers the city, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, parts of North Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire.

The Scottish Government is currently working with a NHSGGC-led Incident Management Team and Health Protection Scotland (HPS) to provide support.

The new cases were found in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area

The NHS board say those infected with the deadly bug are showing mild symptoms.

Those contacted are being advised to self-isolate and other identified contacts are being followed up and given appropriate advice.

The latest figures showed  there were 260 people in hospital a decrease of four and the number of people in intensive care remained at two.

Coronavirus in Scotland

The SNP leader added there had been no new admissions to ICU units since July 9.

Sturgeon said: “The clusters we have seen demonstrates how quickly the virus will spread if we give it the opportunity to do so.”

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2020-07-29 17:56:00Z

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