Kamis, 30 Juli 2020

Charlie Elphicke trial: Former Conservative MP found guilty of sexual assault - Sky News

Former Conservative MP Charlie Elphicke has been found guilty of three counts of sexual assault.

Elphicke, 49, faced one charge relating to an incident with a woman in her early 30s at his home in 2007, and two involving a parliamentary worker in her early 20s in 2016.

The former Dover MP had allegedly tried to kiss and grope the parliamentary worker after they shared a drink in Westminster in April 2016, Southwark Crown Court heard.

The complainant, who cannot be named, said Elphicke told her afterwards: "I'm so naughty sometimes."

She also alleged he had ran his hand up her thigh towards her groin the following month.

The other woman claimed Elphicke had kissed and groped her at his London home in summer 2007, while his wife Natalie was away for the night.

Elphicke, who was MP for Dover between 2010 and 2019, had then chased her around his home chanting "I'm a naughty Tory", the woman said.

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Image: Charlie Elphicke with his wife, Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke

Elphicke had denied all charges.

He told jurors he was under a "misapprehension" when he kissed the woman in his home, and claimed he had stopped when she rejected his advances.

The father-of-two said he wanted an affair with the parliamentary worker, but denied sexually assaulting her and said he had not touched her inappropriately.

Elphicke told jurors he is struggling to save his marriage, although he has been accompanied to court each day by his wife, who succeeded him as Dover MP last year.

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2020-07-30 12:02:04Z

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