Jumat, 15 Juli 2022

Tory leadership race: Rishi Sunak 'will circumvent Holyrood because he cannot trust SNP' - The Times

Rishi Sunak will circumvent Holyrood to implement key policies if he becomes prime minister because “we cannot trust the SNP to act in the best interests of the Scottish people”, his most prominent Scots Tory supporter has said.

Writing for The Times, Andrew Bowie, the West Aberdeenshire & Kincardine MP, said that the former chancellor played a key role in UK “levelling-up” funds being handed to councils in a move which bypassed the Scottish parliament and enabled Whitehall to invest directly in communities.

In Scotland about £20 million was awarded to West Dunbartonshire in the first round for a series of projects including revamping the Artizan shopping centre and transforming its oldest building into a library and museum.

Applications for the second round of

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2022-07-15 23:01:00Z

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