Selasa, 26 Juli 2022

Tory leadership campaign: Truss beat Sunak in debate, poll of Conservative members finds - follow live - The Times

Liz Truss beat Rishi Sunak in the Tory leadership debate, a new poll of Tory members suggests as they said that they found her more trustworthy, likeable and in touch with ordinary people.

A snap YouGov survey of 507 Conservative Party members found that 50 per cent believed that the foreign secretary was the better performer while 39 per cent said that the former chancellor was better.

Nearly two thirds of those polled — 63 per cent — said that Truss came across as more in touch with ordinary people, compared to 19 per cent for Sunak.

• Who won the Tory leadership debate? Our commentators’ verdicts and have your say

Truss was considered more trustworthy by 51 per cent of voters compared to 37

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2022-07-26 12:09:00Z

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