Jumat, 01 Juli 2022

'Sex pest' Tory Chris Pincher faces fresh claim by activist - The Times

Boris Johnson bowed to pressure to suspend a former Tory minister accused of drunkenly groping two men as a fresh claim emerged about his behaviour.

Chris Pincher, who resigned as the deputy chief whip on Thursday, will face an investigation by a parliament watchdog after one of the men made a formal allegation.

The prime minister was alerted to the complaint by a Conservative MP who said he had witnessed the incident and was in contact with the alleged victim.

Downing Street sources said that having heard the first-hand account, Johnson immediately moved to suspend the whip from Pincher pending the outcome of the investigation.

They defended Johnson’s failure to act earlier, saying that the prime minister had wanted to follow “due process”.


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2022-07-01 20:00:00Z

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