Jumat, 21 Januari 2022

Tory rebels seeking to oust Boris Johnson retaliate in 'blackmail' row - The Times

Tory MPs who want to oust Boris Johnson are considering publishing a secretly recorded conversation with the chief whip and text messages after they accused the government of blackmail and intimidation.

Cabinet ministers have condemned the Tory rebels, known as the pork pie plotters, as “attention-seeking schoolchildren” after their attempt to trigger a confidence vote in the prime minister faltered following the defection of a Tory MP to Labour.

The rebels claim that whips have threatened to withdraw funding from their constituencies and that government aides have smeared them by releasing unsubstantiated claims about their drinking habits and personal lives in the press. The claims have been denied by No 10.

• Analysis: Who could replace Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson responds to Tory William Wragg's accusation of blackmailing MPs

The rebels met on Thursday to

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2022-01-21 09:45:00Z

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