Jumat, 07 Januari 2022

Boris Johnson apologises to Lord Geidt over secret texts in sleaze row - The Times

Boris Johnson has issued a “humble and sincere” apology to Lord Geidt, his ethics adviser, for withholding critical messages from an inquiry into the refurbishment of the prime minister’s Downing Street flat.

In a letter to Johnson released today Geidt said that it was “plainly unsatisfactory” that he had not been shown WhatsApp messages the prime minister had exchanged with the millionaire Tory donor Lord Brownlow of Shurlock Row. The messages, in which Johnson asked Brownlow to arrange for further money to do up the flat, which he said was “still a bit of a tip”, cast doubt on Johnson’s original claims to Geidt that he was unaware who was paying for the work.

They also revealed that the prime minister agreed to consider a

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2022-01-07 09:45:00Z

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