Rabu, 19 Januari 2022

PMQs as it happened: Tory MP defects as ex-minister tells Johnson to go - BBC News

British politics, particularly Prime Minister’s Questions, is often compared to a theatre.

But like many great dramas, it’s often a surprising character who provides the plot twist.

Today’s defection to Labour from the, formerly Tory, MP Christian Wakeford has managed to unite Boris Johnson’s critics and supporters on his backbenches.

One former minister, who has strongly criticised the handling of parties in Downing Street, said Wakeford had provided an “alternative target for rage” and calmed the mood in the Tory party.

Peers of Christian Wakeford, elected alongside him in 2019, have described feeling burned - “betrayed”, “let down” and upset by his actions.

In a party where loyalties were all over the place last night - Tory MPs have united in feeling his behaviour was perhaps ‘disloyalty gone one step too far’.

But this distraction doesn’t mean Boris Johnson is out of the woods. More than a dozen Tory MPs are believed to have submitted letters of no confidence in him. The exact number is still unknown. More Tory MPs are waiting until Sue Gray’s report is published before expressing their anger publicly.

Wakeford’s defection may have stuck a plaster over some of the Tory party fractures — but last night’s briefing war between different groups of the party shows just how fragile the situation still is for Boris Johnson.

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2022-01-19 18:30:00Z

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