Rabu, 05 Januari 2022

Boris Johnson: We can ride this out without new Covid curbs - The Times

Boris Johnson has ruled out a lockdown as he said the country could “ride out” Omicron without further restrictions.

The prime minister will extend the plan B measures today but will not go further as he expressed hope of dealing with the surge “without shutting down our country once again” despite a record 218,724 cases reported yesterday and estimates that around one million people are self-isolating at present.

However, his scientific advisers warned that it was not clear when the peak would be or how many older people would end up in hospital. Health service leaders were also divided, with some saying that a surge of elderly patients was not materialising while others suggested that hospitals were starting to be overwhelmed.

Cause for optimism

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2022-01-05 11:30:00Z

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