Jumat, 14 Januari 2022

Downing Street parties: You're in the last chance saloon, Boris Johnson is warned - The Times

Boris Johnson has been warned by cabinet ministers that he is in the “last chance saloon” after Downing Street was forced to apologise to the Queen over new allegations of lockdown parties.

Dozens of aides and officials were at two drunken parties in No 10 the night before the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral in April last year, when the Queen was forced to sit alone.

The Times has been told that Sue Gray, a senior civil servant who is overseeing an investigation into the parties, felt “completely blindsided” by the revelations. She is concerned that Downing Street staff are deliberately concealing information about parties held at No 10.

Cabinet ministers who publicly backed Johnson after his apology on Wednesday said that it was

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2022-01-15 00:00:00Z

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