Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

Police 'acted appropriately' at Sarah Everard vigil - BBC News

Clashes at Clapham Common

The Metropolitan Police acted "appropriately" at a vigil for Sarah Everard in south London earlier this month, a police watchdog has found.

The force came under intense criticism after women were handcuffed and removed from crowds on Clapham Common.

An inspectorate found that officers did not communicate enough on the night - but the response had been "measured".

It called the media coverage a "public relations disaster" that damaged public confidence in policing.

Ms Everard, 33, was last seen walking home nearby on 3 March. Her body was found a week later in woodland near Ashford, Kent - prompting a public debate over women's safety.

Images and footage from the resulting vigil on Clapham Common prompted widespread concern, including among the country's most prominent political figures.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was "deeply concerned" by the scenes, while Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called them "disturbing".

The home secretary commissioned an independent investigation into the force's decisions on the evening of the vigil, which were taken in the light of Covid restrictions.

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) found that the force was "justified" in deciding that the risks of transmitting coronavirus "were too great to ignore", and that officers "did their best to peacefully disperse the crowd".

However, it added that "there was insufficient communication between police commanders about changing events on the ground".

HMIC said calls for Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick to resign - including from Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey - were "unwarranted".

The inspectorate said "the chorus of those condemning" the force after the event showed "a distinct lack of respect for public servants facing... a sensitive and complex situation".

"It is one thing... to recognise that the scenes were worrying or upsetting (and to order an inspection such as this). It is another to jump to conclusions - and in doing so, undermine public confidence in policing - based on very limited evidence," the report said.

HMIC said "a more conciliatory response after the event might have served the Met's interests better".

Sarah Everard

HMIC said its inspection involved reviewing documents and body camera video footage.

Matt Parr, who led the inspection team, said: "We found that there are some things the Met could have done better, but we saw nothing to suggest police officers acted in anything but a measured and proportionate way in challenging circumstances."

Ken Marsh, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said the outcome of the report was "no surprise" - and hit out at "armchair critics".

"The knee-jerk commentary from politicians of all parties - who as the report states were reacting to a snapshot on social media rather than the facts - has made the already difficult job of our colleagues in London incredibly harder. And more dangerous," he said.

Labour London Mayor Sadiq Khan - who called police actions "unacceptable" at the time - said he accepted the conclusions of the report.

But he said it was "clear that trust and confidence of women and girls in the police and criminal justice system is far from adequate", adding that the events had "done further damage to this".

Shaun Bailey, Conservative candidate for Mayor of London, said Mr Khan had "serious questions" to answer over his response to the policing of the demo.

Dame Cressida Dick joins police officers at Clapham Common as part of reassurance patrols
PA Media

Tensions between those who wanted to hold a vigil and police began before the evening of 13 March.

An official event had been planned by Reclaim These Streets - but the group called it off, saying police had failed to "constructively engage" on how it could be held in a Covid-secure way.

People turned up to Clapham Common despite the group asking them not to.

Reclaim These Streets said on Tuesday that the HMIC report was "disappointing" and evidence of "institutional sexism running through the force".

"We warned the Met Police... that forcing us to cancel would cause additional risk to public safety, as did Lambeth Council. They completely dismissed our warning and concerns," it said in a statement posted on Twitter.

An inquest into Ms Everard's death has been adjourned until the conclusion of criminal proceedings.

PC Wayne Couzens, 48, has been charged with her murder and kidnap.

He has been remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on 9 July ahead of a trial that is set to start on 25 October.

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2021-03-30 12:12:13Z

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