Rabu, 24 Maret 2021

NHS staff in Scotland to be offered 4% pay rise - BBC News

A hospital worker by an ambulance
PA Media

NHS staff in Scotland are to be offered a pay rise of at least 4%, the Scottish government has confirmed.

Nurses, paramedics and domestic staff will be among those who will receive the boost to their salaries.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said the average pay of a front line NHS nurse would rise by over £1,200 a year.

She said the offer - which does not apply to doctors - recognised the "service and dedication" of staff during the pandemic

The settlement will be backdated to 1 December 2020 in recognition of an "exceptional year of significant pressure for staff".

It follows the £500 thank you payment for all health and social care workers which was announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in November.

Earlier this month Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended plans to give some NHS staff in England a 1% pay rise.

PA Media

Ms Freeman described the Scottish government's offer as "the biggest single pay uplift since devolution" for NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) staff.

AfC is the current grading and pay system for NHS staff. It does not include doctors, dentists, executives and senior managers.

She added it will benefit 154,000 staff and includes support roles such as domestic staff, porters and health care support workers.

This group, which she described as "the backbone of our services" would see pay rises of more than £1,000, the equivalent of between 4% and 5.4%.

Those on the highest salaries will receive a £800 pay rise.

Ms Freeman said: "This has been an exceptionally challenging year for our health service and I am pleased that the Scottish government is able to recognise the service and dedication of our healthcare staff."

The announcement follows ongoing negotiations between the Scottish government, NHS employers and unions, who will now consult their members on the offer.

Colin Poolman, Royal College of Nursing Scotland senior officer, said: "The timescale for negotiations was tight as a result of the forthcoming election but we have now received an offer for a one year pay deal."

Willie Duffy, Unison regional organiser, added: "Each of the individual trade unions will now enter into discussions with their members on the offer."

All of Scotland's main opposition parties have made the NHS a central part of their appeals in the forthcoming Holyrood election.

The Scottish Conservatives have promised to deliver an increased share of funding to GPs and Scottish Labour has stressed its desire for "a real pay rise" for NHS staff.

The Scottish Greens have pledged support for a properly funded publicly-owned NHS Scotland while the Scottish Liberal Democrats are promising a "decent" pay rise for NHS staff.

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2021-03-24 22:10:36Z

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