Rabu, 31 Maret 2021

Covid: Wales' pubs and restaurants set for 26 April outdoor reopening - BBC News

Man and woman with phone
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Pubs and restaurants in Wales will be able to reopen outdoors from 26 April, providing Covid rates remain low.

Travel between Wales and the rest of the UK and Ireland will be allowed from 12 April.

First Minister Mark Drakeford will announce his latest moves to ease lockdown on Thursday.

It was also confirmed non-essential retail, as well as close-contact services such as beauty parlours, can reopen from 12 April.

Outdoor attractions are also set to reopen on 26 April and ministers could also allow gyms and leisure centres to open for individual training "by early May", alongside organised outdoor activities for up to 30 people.

Mr Drakeford will set out a "series of measures" to take Wales into alert level three by 17 May, "subject to public health conditions remaining favourable".

Pubs, bars and restaurants have been pleading with ministers to give them dates so they can prepare to reopen.

While parts of Wales' lockdown have eased quicker than elsewhere in the UK, the Welsh government has been reluctant to set out a full list of when different sectors will reopen.

It has been critical of the UK government for aiming to end all rules on social contact by 21 June at the earliest.

Graphic of hospital admissions

The news comes as latest figures show admissions to hospitals of confirmed and suspected Covid-19 cases have hit a record low - it stood at a daily seven-day average of 21 on Tuesday.

Seventeen confirmed and suspected Covid patients were admitted across Wales, with none at all in Cwm Taf Morgannwg hospitals for two days running.

Covid admissions now make up 2% of all hospital admissions.

Wales' case rate stands at 36.8 per 100,000 people over seven days, compared with 40.6 a week ago.

The country has been below the 5% recommended threshold on the number of tests coming back positive for 26 days.

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2021-03-31 17:59:38Z

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