Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

Coronavirus: Focus must be on vaccinating UK adults - minister - BBC News

Copyright: Reuters

Slovak President Zuzana Caputova will appoint Finance Minister Eduard Heger as PM in an attempt to end a government crisis surrounding outgoing PM Igor Matovic's secret acquisition of two million doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine. Half the cabinet have resigned over the purchase. The EU’s medical regulator hasn’t approved the vaccine yet, and Slovakia’s health authority hasn’t either – but it can be given on a voluntary basis.

The number of people in intensive care in French hospitals has reached 4,974, higher than during the second wave last November. Meanwhile, Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer is coming under pressure to close French schools as the number of children affected rises to more than 20,000. At the moment classes go online as soon as a positive case is confirmed.

Sweden’s vaccines coordinator Richard Bergstrom has told Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that EU exports of AstraZeneca vaccines have virtually stopped. EU leaders backed export controls at the end of last week but emphasised the importance of global supply chains.

The Irish government is planning to use the pandemic to reinvigorate rural Ireland. It aims to transform disused derelict buildings and pubs into remote working hubs.

A Dutch church’s front door has been slightly damaged in an apparent firework attack, linked to tensions involving continuing church services in the pandemic. Under Dutch rules worshippers are limited to 30 for services but the church at Krimpen aan de Ijssel has defied the restrictions. A reporter was harassed outside the church on Sunday.

Italian PM Mario Draghi says the goal of half a million vaccinations appears not to be far off. He says Italians need to get out of “this situation of inactivity”. Meanwhile the north-western province of Liguria has barred Italians from visiting their second homes or boats over the Easter holiday to limit the spread of infection.

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2021-03-30 09:10:31Z

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