Rabu, 17 April 2024

Rishi Sunak rules out Rwanda bill concessions as Starmer hits back at Rayner 'smears' - The Independent

Related video: MP who made Rayner complaint unable to explain what offence he thinks she committed

Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are clashing at the first session of PMQs since MPs returned to parliament following the Easter break.

The prime minister and Labour leader face off after the government’s smoking ban for those born after 2009 cleared its first Commons hurdle and as the Rwanda bill returns for further votes.

Earlier it was reported that the police probe into Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner was looking at multiple allegations and not limited to potential electoral law offences.

Greater Manchester Police previously announced it was investigating Ms Rayner over the sale of the property and whether she broke electoral law by giving false information of her address.

The probe will also look into tax matters relating to the sale.

“It’s very well resourced, it’s not a single issue,” a source told The Times. “There is a volume of material and a clear public interest to fully investigate.”

The source also emphasised it was possible no offences would be identified.

Ms Rayner has insisted she has done nothing wrong and vowed toresign if found to have committed any offences.

She said the story was a smear being pushed by the Conservative Party to hurt her and Labour ahead of the local elections on 2 May.


Rishi Sunak refuses to rule out NHS and state pension cuts to fund tax bung

Rishi Sunak has refused to rule out cuts to the NHS and state pensions to fund a £46bn national insurance giveaway, Archie Mitchell reports.

The prime minister has promised to abolish national insurance contributions in the long run, describing it as a “double tax” on work.

But Labour has repeatedly warned the cut would need to be funded by cuts to state pensions or the NHS, which the levy funds.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer twice asked Mr Sunak to rule out cuts to the NHS or state pensions to pay for what he called the “unfunded tax cut”.

“This is genuinely extraordinary, two chances to rule out cuts to state pensions and cuts to the NHS to fund his promise,” Sir Keir said.

He added: “This matters to millions of people who want to know what is going to happen to the NHS and their pensions.”

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 12:17

Sunak hits back saying that the Labour leader should spend less time reading Truss’s book and more time reading his deputy’s tax advice.

Labour leader responds by saying that we have “a billionaire prime minister” and his wife whose families have used scheme to avoid paying millions in tax, “smearing a working class woman”.

He adds that the former PM made millions of peoples lives a “misery” with her disasterous mini-Budget”.

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 12:11

Starmer pokes fun at Liz Truss book

Starmer uses his first question to poke fun at former PM Liz Truss, who has been promoting her book this week.

He points out that Truss described her premiership as the happiest period in her life.

He asks Sunak if he has met anyone who agrees with that.

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 12:05

Starmer and Sunak will clash at PMQs in a few minutes.

We’ll have all the action as it happens.

Stay tuned for all the latest updates. Watch it live here.

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:57

Right-wing National Conservatism Conference to resume after being shut down by Brussels police

The right-wing National Conservatism Conference will be free to meet today for its second day of programming without further interference from the police, the Belgium high court has ruled.

The Conseil d’État, the highest court in Belgium relating to issues of public administration, said the conference should be allowed to resume today after it was closed down by the police on Tuesday following an order by the local mayor.

Full report:

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:55

How did your MP vote on government’s smoking ban?

Here’s how all MPs voted:

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:45

Fears interest rate cuts will be delayed after inflation falls less than expected

UK inflation slowed less than expected in March, leading economists and traders to be cautious about possible interest rate cuts in the summer.

The figures released by the ONS on Wednesday morning showed that inflation was 3.2 per cent in March, slightly higher than the 3.1 per cent predicted by economists.

Full report:

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:34

Sunak and Starmer to face off at PMQs

Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are set to clash at the first session of PMQs since MPs returned to parliament following the Easter break.

The prime minister and Labour leader face off after the government’s smoking ban for those born after 2009 cleared its first hurdle and as the Rwanda bill returns to the Commons.

We’ll bring you live updates from the session - you’ll also be able to watch it live on our YouTube channel (link to follow).

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:24

The hounding of Angela Rayner is an outrageous declaration of class war

Labour’s deputy leader is northern, working class and a strong woman – so obviously Tories and the Conservative press are out to bring her down ahead of a general election where she will be a major asset on the doorstep, says John Rentoul.

Read John’s piece in full here.

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:17

ICYMI: Rishi Sunak forces through vote for total ban on smoking for those born after 2009

Full report:

Matt Mathers17 April 2024 11:07

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2024-04-17 14:50:55Z

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