Kamis, 02 November 2023

Over 100000 homes in UK without power amid flood warnings - Storm Ciarán latest - The Independent

Waves batter Devon coast as Storm Ciaran hits UK

Over 100,000 homes were left without power after Storm Ciarán caused severe weather with widespread flooding and damage across the UK and Europe.

Hundreds of schools and several airports were forced to shut down as more than 80 flood warnings remain in place.

UK is reeling under the after-effects of the devastating Storm Ciarán that recorded gust winds of more than 100mph in Jersey with strong winds and rains predicted for some parts of the country today.

Several people in Jersey were evacuated to hotels overnight on Wednesday and residents said they were hit by huge hailstones “bigger than golf balls”.

At least seven people have died across Europe in various storm-related incidents as more than a million people were left without power and schools and airports were also shut.

Have you been affected by Storm Ciarán? Email alexander.butler@independent.co.uk


Dozens of flood warnings in England as UK reels under after-effects of Storm Ciarán

Several flood warnings are active in the south of England as the UK reels under the after-effects of the devastating Storm Ciarán.

With around 80 flood warnings and over 220 flood alerts across the UK, the south coast and Channel Islands were pummeled by heavy rain and gusts of up to 100mph.

Nearly 150,000 homes lost power, with approximately 11,300 properties still without electricity as of 4pm yesterday.

Although reconnections reached 135,700, the Energy Networks Association (ENA) emphasised ongoing efforts amid challenging conditions due to violent winds.

The situation is gradually improving as Storm Ciaran moves into the North Sea, though localized rainfall persists in some areas.

The weekend outlook includes showers in the northwest and northeast of Scotland.

Jersey Airport is temporarily closed to commercial flights, with the expectation of reopening for emergencies and medical transfers. In Dorset, firefighters safely evacuated 70 people from Freshwater Holiday Park, near Bridport, with some rescued by boat.

Shweta Sharma3 November 2023 04:32

Baby monitor captures window blown off by Storm Ciarán

A baby monitor has captured the moment when the windows of a room were blown off by strong winds during Storm Ciarán.

Jessica O’Reilly, a woman from Jersey, was asleep, when she was woken by strong winds and moments later the window glass broke, sending a gust of air inside the room.

Strong winds shatter window in Jersey as Storm Ciaran batters coastlines
Shweta Sharma3 November 2023 05:30

Ciarán’s chaos continues

Some children may not be able to get back into their classrooms until Monday after Storm Ciaran battered the south of England and the Channel Islands with gusts of up to 100mph and heavy rain.

Damage to properties in Jersey meant some residents had to evacuate their homes and seek refuge in a hotel, with one woman saying hailstones “bigger than a golf ball” had broken her windows.

The storm caused travel chaos and the AA, which had a large number of callouts in southern England, said it had “rescued 84 customers stuck in flood so far today, with thousands more impacted by the weather”.

<p>A bus makes its way through heavy rain and muddy roads during Storm Ciarán in Dover, England</p>

A bus makes its way through heavy rain and muddy roads during Storm Ciarán in Dover, England

Lydia Patrick3 November 2023 05:00

Emergency work being done in Downpatrick as clean-up begins elsewhere in Co Down

Recovery efforts are in progress in Newry and Newcastle, with ongoing emergency response operations in Downpatrick, as confirmed by a County Down council.

The regions of Downpatrick, Newcastle, and Newry in Northern Ireland bore the brunt of an extended period of heavy rainfall, resulting in severe flooding.

Several rivers in Northern Ireland reached unprecedented levels, leading to the inundation of roads.

The police, firefighters, ambulance service, local councils, and state agencies have been coordinating with the Red Cross to provide assistance to the impacted areas.

Shweta Sharma3 November 2023 04:30

Storm Ciarán arrives in Italy

Storm Ciarán is sweeping its way across Italy as it moves southward, with weather warnings in place in Venice and Naples.

A man took to X to share the disruption in Prato, Tuscany.

Lydia Patrick3 November 2023 04:00

Beachfront café in Devon closes after Storm Ciarán smashes windows and doors

A popular beachfront café in Devon experienced severe damage during the tumultuous Storm Ciarán, leading to its temporary closure.

James Tribble, the owner of The Hideaway in Seaton, Devon, said he was left shocked after woken up by an alert on his motion detection security camera at the restaurant at 7.15am.

He said: “It was a picture of the front door being blown in and one of the windows being blown out.

“I’m standing foot deep in a pile of pebbles and there’s council signage and the coastal path sign on the floor.

“Never in the ten years that I’ve lived in Seaton have I had water come up and encircle the building and water dump in.”

Despite seeing the damage on his security cameras he was unable to get to the scene immediately as it was high tide and he didn’t want to risk his safety in the storm.

Shweta Sharma3 November 2023 03:30

Seven people killed and several injured in Europe

Seven people were killed and several were injured after storm Ciarán slammed north-west Europe with heavy rains and strong winds.

A truck driver was killed in the Aisne département of northern France after a tree fell on him, authorities said.

A second death was reported in Le Havre, according to authorities. A 70-year-old man died after falling off his balcony in an accident that police linked to the storm’s powerful winds.

Falling trees led to the death of a woman in the Spanish capital Madrid and another in the south of the Netherlands, local emergency services and police said.

Two people died in the Belgian town of Ghent, including a five-year-old and a 64-year-old German woman visiting the country, the prosecutor’s office said. Both deaths were caused by falling branches.

The storm has led to schools, airports and train services to shut down with several people facing power cuts.

Shweta Sharma3 November 2023 03:27

Shocking moment a man is floored by giant wave

A man on Dover beach toppled to the floor after a gigantic wave floored him.

That had to hurt.

Lydia Patrick3 November 2023 03:00

New record set for lowest mean sea level in England and Wales

Lydia Patrick3 November 2023 02:00

Storm Ciarán batters UK as roofs torn off homes and cars smashed by ‘golf-ball-sized hailstones’

As winds of up to 104mph swept across the UK, the Channel Islands were particularly badly affected by the severe thunderstorm, which is thought to be the worst to hit the small island of Jersey since 1987.

Residents on the island endured a “terrifying” night as dozens were forced to flee their homes, while a tornado warning was issued by the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) from south Wales to London, as winds and heavy rain brought havoc.

Hundreds of schools were closed in the south of England because of the risk to pupils, after the Met Office issued a yellow weather warning for winds that were “strong and potentially disruptive” in the southwest, Wales, London, the southeast and the east of England.

Lydia Patrick3 November 2023 01:00

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2023-11-03 04:51:31Z

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