Minggu, 19 November 2023

Take this quiz and we'll know if you're a northerner or a southerner | UK - Express

Wherever you live in Britain, even if it's not actually in England, you'll be more than aware of the North-South divide.

It's a heated issue and one that's embedded in the lifeblood of every English person out there.

Regularly harnessed for political gain, the battle between Northerners and Southerners is almost as old as time itself.

Even public institutions seem to have got in on the debate — though all but in name — with outfits like the BBC establishing bigger bases in Salford and promising to split time more fairly between the north and London in the south.

But what exactly makes a northerner and a southerner? It's a difficult question, but Express.co.uk has cobbled together seven questions in a bid to identify what side of the line you, the reader, are from.

The differences vary, but most of it comes down to language and the way we call things.

Are they barm cakes of baps? Is it a game of tig or tuggy? Are you having tea or dinner?

You'll know — or at least think — what the right answer is, but can we guess?

Take the quiz to find out, and don't get too mardy (or angry) if the results don't come back as you expected (or dead wrong). If you can't see it, click the link here.

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2023-11-19 07:00:00Z

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