Rabu, 09 Februari 2022

Met Police expected to question Boris Johnson and Downing Street staff over party allegations - The Times

Boris Johnson is expected to be among 50 people in Downing Street who will be questioned by police over allegations of participating in parties while coronavirus restrictions were in place.

Detectives will begin sending those in No 10 formal questionnaires, which will ask them to account for their involvement in events and provide an explanation.

The questionnaires have formal legal status and those receiving them will be required to answer truthfully. Detectives, who are assessing 300 images and 500 documents provided by the Cabinet Office, will then decide whether to issue a fixed penalty notice.

A Labour MP asks Boris Johnson about the photograph during prime minister’s questions

The police are questioning people in relation to eight events. They include a “bring your own booze” garden party in Downing Street on May 20, 2020, and a celebration held

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2022-02-09 19:45:00Z

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