Selasa, 01 Februari 2022

Downing Street parties: No 10 changes position on PM COVID fines being made public - as Tory MP calls for Johnson's resignation - Sky News

The public would "hypothetically" be told if the prime minister was fined for breaking COVID rules, Downing Street has said - after earlier refusing to guarantee that would happen.

When asked on Tuesday morning if any fixed penalty notices would be made public as part of the Metropolitan Police's investigation into the partygate scandal, the prime minister's spokesman said it was for the Met to decide whether to reveal who has been fined.

But hours later, after being asked again, he said: "As the Met have made clear, generally speaking with Fixed Penalty Notice, individuals are not published in any way. Obviously, we are aware of the significant public interest regarding the prime minister, and would always look to provide what updates we can on him specifically."

Asked if that meant No 10 would reveal if Mr Johnson was given a fixed penalty notice, the spokesman said: "Hypothetically, yes."

Met Police defend timing of Downing Street party investigation
Image: The Met Police said it does not normally reveal the names of people it gives fines to

No 10 indicated it may not reveal the names of other officials and MPs if they are fined after the Met pointed to College of Policing guidance that says the names of people handed fixed penalty notices, the likely punishment for breaching COVID regulations, would not normally be revealed.

'We'll publish everything we can'

As No 10 decided whether it would name Mr Johnson if he was fined, the PM was in Ukraine to show the UK's support as more than 100,000 Russian troops amass at the border.

More on Boris Johnson

But the Gray inquiry and partygate reared its head, with the PM being asked if he would commit to publish the full inquiry, including the 300 images included in the probe.

"Yes, of course we'll publish everything that we can as soon as the process has been completed, as I said yesterday," he said.

Asked if the inquiry's release on Monday overshadowed his focus on Ukraine, resulting in postponing a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr Johnson said he will be talking to the Russian leader tomorrow.

Adding fuel to the fire, the PM's former top adviser Dominic Cummings said people he knows have pictures of a party inside the PM's flat on the day he left. It was reportedly a celebration of his departure.

In a question and answer session on his blog, Mr Cummings, who regularly speaks out against the PM, said there was "a chance" Ms Gray's full report could be leaked before the Met investigation is over as it will have to be circulated to lawyers and special advisers first.

He also said the "drinking culture" criticised in Ms Gray's report "is spin from the PM to try to shift blame from him".

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attend a joint news conference in Kyiv, Ukraine February 1, 2022. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls/Pool
Image: Boris Johnson was asked a question about the partygate scandal during a news conference with the Ukrainian president

Conservative MP hands in letter of no confidence

Back in the UK, all was not rosy for the PM, as another Tory MP said he has handed in a letter of no confidence in Mr Johnson.

Peter Aldous, MP for Waveney in Suffolk, said he has written to Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, advising him he has no confidence in Mr Johnson as leader of the Conservative Party.

"After a great deal of soul-searching, I have reached the conclusion that the prime minister should resign," he wrote.

"It is clear that he has no intention of doing so.

"I have never taken such action before and had hoped that I would not be put in such an invidious position."

Peter Aldous is the Conservative MP for Waveney, and has been an MP continuously since 6 May 2010.
Image: Peter Aldous, the Conservative MP for Waveney, said he has handed in a letter of no confidence in the PM. Pic:HOC

He told Sky News the partygate scandal is "paralysing government" and there comes a time when you have to say "enough is enough, we need to move on with this".

Mr Aldous called Mr Johnson "a man of enormous talents" but the best thing would be for him to stand aside.

He added that if the PM had held his hands up when the stories about parties started in the autumn the public would have been more forgiving.

Mr Aldous, who has been an MP since 2010, is among a handful of Tory MPs who are understood to have handed in letters of no confidence following the lockdown events in Downing Street and Whitehall - with 54 letters needed to trigger a leadership vote.

'Positive' mood among Tory MPs as PM appears to have staved off immediate threat - Sue Gray report live

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How to replace a Tory PM

Public 'has a right to know'

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner said the public "has a right to know" if the PM is given a fine and said it "shouldn't be a big deal".

"An ounce of transparency shouldn't be this hard to get from Boris Johnson," she said.

Speaking after No 10's initial refusal, Sir Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, said: "This stinks of a cover up by Number 10. Even Richard Nixon [the US president who resigned over the Watergate scandal] believed a country deserves to know whether their leader is a crook.

"Boris Johnson must come clean with the public and resign if he's broken the rules and been fined by the police."

Asked if Downing Street should say if Mr Johnson is fined by police, Tory MP and former minister Liam Fox told Sky's deputy political editor Sam Coates: "I think we should have as much information as we can put out there.

"I think it's the only way to get closure in the end."

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Key points of the Gray report

Met Police combing through 300 photos

Number 10's latest comments come after the release of a partial version of Sue Gray's report into Downing Street gatherings during COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 and 2021.

The senior civil servant said the events represented a "serious failure" and were "difficult to justify".

Facing MPs in the Commons on Monday, Mr Johnson apologised and promised a shake-up of Number 10, insisting: "I get it and I will fix it."

The Met Police is investigating 12 gatherings, including an event that happened at the Downing Street flat on 13 November 2020 and an event to mark the PM's birthday on 19 June 2020.

The force said on Monday that it has received more than 300 photos and 500 pieces of paper as part of its inquiries.

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'Taken for mugs'

Downing Street has said Mr Johnson will ask Ms Gray to "update her work" once the Metropolitan Police's investigation is finished and "he will publish that update".

Speaking to Sky News earlier on Monday, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said people who followed COVID rules "will feel like they've been taken for mugs" by the PM.

He told Kay Burley that many members of the public will have felt "anger, grief and guilt" when looking back at how they obeyed COVID-19 restrictions over the last two years and the sacrifices they had to make.

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'People feel they've been taken for mugs'

Sir Keir said Mr Johnson is "debasing the office" of PM and has "got to go" in the wake of the release of a partial version of the Gray report, which he described as being as "damning as it could be".

Also speaking to Burley, deputy PM Dominic Raab claimed Mr Johnson cannot answer specific questions about lockdown parties in Downing Street because he does not want to prejudice the police investigation.

"If he does start answering specific questions that have been referred to the police, he will be accused, in fact fairly and rightly, of prejudicing or preventing or interfering in that investigation," Mr Raab said.

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'I get argument about double standards'

He said it was right that police were now given the "time and space" to carry out their investigation.

Sir Keir said Mr Raab's stance was "nonsense" and "bordering on the ridiculous", accusing the PM of "forcing all of his frontbenchers onto your programmes and others to make complete fools of themselves, peddling these absurd defences".

Blackford defends Commons outburst

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford told Sky News people are "outraged by a prime minister that simply won't accept responsibility".

Speaking to Kay Burley, he said Mr Johnson has "demeaned the office and he should have gone by now".

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PM is 'stranger to the truth'

Mr Blackford was thrown out of the Commons on Monday for accusing the PM of having "wilfully misled" MPs over the partygate row.

He defended his actions as the "right thing to do", adding: "At the end of the day I've been sent to Westminster to stand up for our constituents, to lead the SNP at Westminster.

"I have to call out the PM for the charlatan that he is."

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2022-02-01 18:23:15Z

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