Minggu, 20 Februari 2022

COVID-19: People in England will no longer have to self-isolate after testing positive by end of next week - Sky News

People in England will no longer have to self-isolate after testing positive for coronavirus by the end of next week, Downing Street has said.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to announce the decision tomorrow - which also applies to close contacts - as he moves to scrap all remaining COVID-19 restrictions.

When he unveils his "living with COVID" plan, he is expected to tell MPs that the vaccine programme, testing and new treatments will be enough to keep the public safe.

Read more: Doctor with long COVID attacks PM's proposals

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It would be a 'mistake' to end free tests

'We need to learn to live with the virus'

Ahead of the announcement, Mr Johnson said: "COVID will not suddenly disappear, and we need to learn to live with this virus and continue to protect ourselves without restricting our freedoms.

"We've built up strong protections against this virus over the past two years through the vaccine rollouts, tests, new treatments, and the best scientific understanding of what this virus can do.

More on Boris Johnson

"Thanks to our successful vaccination programme and the sheer magnitude of people who have come forward to be jabbed we are now in a position to set out our plan for living with COVID."

Asked if the change would mean people could go to work if they had COVID, the PM's official spokesman had previously said "there would be guidance, that would not be what we are recommending".

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When will COVID be an endemic?

Disease outbreak contingency plans

Local authorities will have to manage outbreaks using pre-existing public health powers - the same as for other diseases.

Europe Minister James Cleverly told Sky News' Trevor Phillips on Sunday local authorities have long had contingency planning in place for disease outbreaks and they will be using those.

He did not say whether councils will be given more money to deal with COVID outbreaks but said Omicron is "much more similar" to other less well-known diseases in circulation that local authorities already had plans for.

There are reports that the provision of free home-delivered lateral flow tests could also end, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Read more: Analysis - Ending COVID restrictions requires big psychological leap

'Surveillance systems' to be retained

England will keep "surveillance systems and contingency measures" which will be used "if needed" - such as increased testing capacity or vaccine programmes - to respond to new variants, No 10 said.

Vaccines and other pharmaceutical interventions will be retained as the "first line of defence".

More than 48 million Britons have had two doses of a COVID-19 jab - about 85% of the population - while more than 37 million have had boosters.

No 10 said this means "government intervention in people's lives can now finally end".

There were reports that state-funded infection sampling could be scrapped, but Downing Street appeared to keep the door open to those studies in its pledge to maintain "resilience against future variants with ongoing surveillance capabilities".

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A 'premature' decision

Three quarters of NHS leaders in England disagree with scrapping self-isolation, according to a survey by the NHS Confederation.

Matthew Taylor, chief executive of NHS Confederation which represents NHS trusts, told Sky News it was "too early" to be ending mandatory testing and said there was no plan for what to do without the programme.

He said if isolation is no longer mandatory then what is the advice for NHS and care staff, and added that he did not understand why all the restrictions had to be lifted at the same time.

Dr David Nabarro, the World Health Organisation's special envoy on COVID-19, did not support the move either.

"I appreciate their concerns about absenteeism... but at the same time, what we know about this virus is that it is not good for people and simply just treating it as though it is a harmless virus we think - that's myself and colleagues in the World Health Organisation - we think that's unwise," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Ending COVID rules marks big moment for the country and the PM

Kate Mccann
Kate McCann

Political correspondent


The plan to end all legal COVID restrictions marks a key moment not just for everyone in England but for Boris Johnson’s premiership too.

It puts the country at the forefront of learning to live with the disease which has wrought havoc on the world for the last couple of years.

Some say it is a dangerous move, with the potential for future variants and waning immunity storing up problems for months down the line.

But the mood of the country has shifted and, in general, most people are already getting on with life as it used to be.

For them this is a bold step and one long overdue.

Masks have largely been abandoned, eating out and staying with friends and family feels normal again, booking foreign holidays doesn’t feel like you’re risking hundreds of pounds.

But for those who are immune-suppressed or who look after frail or elderly family and friends it is a different story.

Read the full analysis here

Dr Chaand Nagpaul, chair of the British Medical Association, said the decision is "premature" and "not based on current evidence".

"It clearly hasn't been guided by data or done in consultation with the healthcare profession," he said.

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting called on the government to publish the evidence behind the decision so the public "can have faith that it is being made in the national interest".

"Boris Johnson is declaring victory before the war is over, in an attempt to distract from the police knocking at his door," he said, referring to the Metropolitan Police's investigation into apparent lockdown-busting parties held in Downing Street and across Whitehall.

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2022-02-20 10:18:45Z

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