Senin, 22 November 2021

Tories turn on 'stumbling' Johnson after Peppa Pig World speech - The Times

Boris Johnson faced a backlash from senior aides and ministers last night after a chaotic speech to business leaders and a Tory rebellion over social care.

The prime minister gave a speech yesterday morning to the CBI in which he praised Peppa Pig World, compared himself to Moses and imitated the noise of an accelerating car. At one point he lost his place and spent 20 seconds asking those present to “forgive me” as he shuffled through his papers.

He faced a rebellion later from senior Tory MPs over sudden changes to his social care policy after the government admitted that some people could have to sell their homes to cover their costs. Ministers launched a frantic whipping operation to contain the rebels, who included

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2021-11-23 00:01:00Z

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