Senin, 15 November 2021

Boris Johnson admits he 'cannot rule out' a Christmas lockdown - Leeds Live

Boris Johnson has admitted that he "cannot rule out" a lockdown over Christmas if people fail to get their booster vaccine jabs.

But the Prime Minster did add at a Downing Street press conference today (Monday) that there is "nothing in the data" that suggested the country would head for tighter restrictions as the country heads towards the Christmas season.

The booster jabs programme has been extended to the under-50s as Covid cases increase across Europe, The Mirror reports.

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He said: “It would be an utter tragedy if, after everything we have been through, people who had done the right thing by getting double vaccinated ended up becoming seriously ill or even losing their lives because they allowed their immunity to wane."

When pressed over whether the government could be forced to bring in a Christmas lockdown, he said: “Clearly we cannot rule anything out and the most important thing people can do to prevent further NPIs from being taken is to – non-pharmaceutical interventions that is, further restrictions – get the boosters.”

He said “GPs are hitting it out of the park again” delivering booster vaccines with numbers rising.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses the media regarding the United Kingdom's Covid-19 infection rate and vaccination campaign in Downing Street
Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses the media regarding the United Kingdom's Covid-19 infection rate and vaccination campaign in Downing Street

He added: “It’s starting to build a lot of momentum, but we need to see those 50-plus groups and the 60-plus groups – who can also wind up in hospital very, very easily – getting their booster as soon as you’re called forward to get it.

“That’s the best protection we can have.

“But to repeat, I see nothing in the data at the moment that makes me think we have to go to further measures.”

He said there was a “new wave” of the virus sweeping through central Europe and now affecting western Europe.

“We don’t yet know the extent to which this new wave will sweep up on our shores but history shows that we cannot afford to be complacent,” he said.

Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty

“Those countries with lower vaccination rates have tended to see bigger surges in infection and in turn been forced to respond with harsher measures while those countries with higher vaccination rates have so far fared better.

“It shows us that if we want to control the epidemic here in the UK and if we want to avoid restrictions on our daily lives we must all get vaccinated as soon as we are eligible.”

Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said “we’re beginning to see a winter respiratory effect” of other viruses impacting on the pandemic.

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England’s chief medical officer told a Downing Street press conference: “There has already been a very significant increase in eastern Europe which is still ongoing, with significant numbers of people dying, in particular among the unvaccinated.

“That has now moved westward and, as you can see, is now increasing significantly, also in many western European countries.

“We all knew – everywhere in Europe we knew – that as we went into winter, into the typical respiratory virus/flu season, that the risks would be greater, and I think this is a demonstration of the fact that we’re beginning to see a winter respiratory effect.”

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2021-11-15 20:06:00Z

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