Selasa, 30 November 2021

London Playbook: Booster boosterism — Rayn checked — Cabinet rankings -

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POLITICO London Playbook



Goldman Sachs

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Good Tuesday morning.


BOOSTER BOOSTERISM: Boris Johnson will hold a press conference this afternoon where he will present the government’s plan to roll out coronavirus booster vaccines to all adults in the coming weeks. After Monday’s decision to expand the booster campaign, the question tens of millions of Britons are asking is when can they get their third jab — the prime minister will be giving details later on. From this morning you now have to wear a face mask in shops and on public transport, and isolate if NHS Test and Trace says you’ve been in contact with an Omicron case. New arrivals into the country have to stay at home until they’re cleared by a Day 2 test. Health Secretary Sajid Javid is speaking in the Commons ahead of today’s vote on the new measures, with a relatively minor Tory rebellion expected. There’s plenty going on on the corona front — and that’s before we even get to the fallout from another bumpy Labour reshuffle.

PM presser: Johnson will give a press conference on boosters from Downing Street this afternoon, timing still to be confirmed. The Sun’s Harry Cole and Natasha Clark and the Times’ Chris Smyth say the PM will set the new target at 3.5 million boosters per week. (Currently around 2.5 million per week are being handed out.) A senior government insider confirms to Playbook that is correct and that the aim is to broadly get the booster campaign firing at the rate the original vaccine rollout was achieving at its peak. Though they cautioned that 3.5 million is an ambitious figure and stressed the usual caveats that the numbers may well bounce around a bit as they did last time. Expect Johnson to talk today about the logistics of how exactly the government plans to move as quickly as possible to increase the vaccination rate in the coming days.

When can you get your booster? The NHS website was inundated with Lobby hacks and possibly some members of the public trying to book their boosters following yesterday’s announcement, only to be disappointed when the site said they weren’t yet eligible. NHS England is expected to confirm when people will be called forward for their jabs today. Playbook is told it won’t be a case of all over-18s simply being allowed to book at the same time. Instead, as with before, the rollout will be staggered to target those most at risk — so those nearer 40 will be getting theirs before those who’ve just turned 18, and so on — a senior government insider said.

Frontline Saj: The other key news yesterday was that the time people have to wait between their second and third jabs will be slashed from six months to three. The Mail’s John Stevens reckons this means faster booster appointments for 25.1 million people, so it is a major change to the policy. In the U.S., the gap was yesterday set at six months for people vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. While filming with Sky News outside a vaccination center last night, Javid informed 64-year-old correspondent Jon Craig he was now eligible for his booster and walked him in to get it done. It’s a pretty strong spontaneous PR move for the booster campaign by Javid that you can watch here.

**A message from Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs Research provides a deeper look at the cost of reaching net-zero carbon and the themes that are shaping progress. Browse their latest reports.**

Mask rules confirmed: The government last night confirmed all the places where you now have to wear masks: shops and supermarkets … shopping centers … takeaways … auction houses and retail galleries … post offices … banks … building societies … high-street solicitors and accountants … credit unions … short-term loan providers … savings clubs and money service businesses … estate and lettings agents and retail travel agents … personal care and beauty premises … pharmacists … and vets.

And on public transport: Airplanes, trains, trams, buses, coaches and ferries (obviously) … taxis and private hire vehicles … and transport hubs like airports and stations. And face coverings will be required during driving lessons and tests, including for HGV drivers.

Go mask free … in restaurants, pubs, bars, theaters, cinemas and other hospitality settings.

Vote today: Javid will be up in the Commons from around 1 p.m. leading the debate on these new measures, with a vote coming at around 4 p.m. Johnson said in words briefed by Downing Street last night that the restrictions will “buy us time in the face of this new variant” while scientists determine the severity of the threat. Javid attempted to reassure Tory MPs yesterday: “If it emerges that this variant is no more dangerous than the Delta variant, then we won’t keep measures in place for a day longer than necessary.” The government stressed the regulations would be reviewed after three weeks.

Pingdemic latest: Leading the restriction-skeptic charge is Tory backbencher Mark Harper, who notes that the rules on face masks are set to expire on December 20, but the new regulations on self-isolation are indefinite. Harper tells the Times’ Chris Smyth: “The regulations setting out the new self-isolation rules do not have an expiry date, which means they will apply for the foreseeable future. My concern is that if this strain is quite transmissible we will be very quickly back to a pingdemic, where very large numbers of people will have to self-isolate despite having been double-vaccinated and boosted. It will lead to great damage to people’s lives, the economy and education.” One government insider tried to allay concerns about a Pingdemic 2.0 by arguing people are no longer checking into restaurants or pubs so are not going to be contacted by NHS Test and Trace. Contact tracers would be more interested in catching contacts of cases coming into the country on planes, they said.

What if it gets worse? Should the data from the scientists come back worse than feared, the FT’s Sebastian Payne, Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe and team have more details of the contingency plans being drawn up to quickly require masks in indoor settings, with a possible work-from-home order over Christmas. Government insiders insisted these were very much contingency measures worked on by officials rather than ministers. Or as one put it to Harry Cole: “I have no doubt that somewhere not far away some f**ker and his team are thinking of ways to ruin Christmas.”

Expect questions today … about this great story from the FT’s Donato Mancini, Hannah Kuchler, Jim Pickard and Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe revealing that the U.K.’s flagship vaccine manufacturing center has been put up for sale. The paper has been briefed that Britain no longer needs surge capacity for vaccine manufacture as pharmaceutical companies have met demand. Let’s hope so.

Cause for optimism: As we all wait the two weeks scientists are asking for to assess the Omicron data, there is some good news doing the rounds today. Former vaccine task force chief Clive Dix tells the BBC: “I don’t think [Omicron] will evade immune systems so that we get a huge number of increases in death and serious illness … If we boost and also make sure that as many people as possible are vaccinated, we will be OK with this particular variant.” He did however warn that the government was not ready for a more dangerous strain. My POLITICO colleague Helen Collis has more on existing vaccines and Omicron.

Whipplepedia returns: No offense to him but it’s usually a bad day when the Times’ Science Editor Tom Whipple has an analysis piece in the paper (excellent though they always are). Today’s, however, is something to reassure readers over breakfast. Outlining why Omicron is worrying but people should be “cautiously optimistic,” he notes: “Even if the virus establishes a beach head here, even if it does hit immunity, all is not lost — far from it. The booster program is going well, and we have antivirals on the way that we know are highly effective at keeping the most vulnerable out of hospital, and which will not be affected by mutations. We can buy time.” Whipple concludes: “It is still perfectly plausible that when it arrives we might yet discover that the world has indeed overreacted and — happily — merely ended up looking a bit silly.” Fingers crossed.

YESTERDAY’S UK COVID STATS: 42,583 positive cases, ⬆️ 4,902 on Sunday. In the last week there have been 303,322 positive cases, ⬆️ 10,905 on the previous week … 35 deaths within 28 days of a positive test, ⬇️ 16 on Sunday. In the last week 838 deaths have been reported, ⬇️ 189 on the previous week. As of the latest data 7,530 COVID patients are in hospital.

OMICRON VARIANT: 11 cases detected in the U.K.

VAX STATS: A total 50,941,327 people or 88.6 percent of the population aged 12+ have received a first dose, ⬆️ 21,493 … A total 46,341,057 people or 80.6 percent of the population aged 12+ have received a second dose, ⬆️ 29,445 … A total 17,896,864 people or 31.1 percent of the population aged 12+ have received a booster/third dose, ⬆️ 285,335.


RAYN CHECKED: Labour leader Keir Starmer completed a wide-ranging reshuffle of his shadow Cabinet last night, making significant changes across the board as he installed more prominent names and experienced politicians in the opposition’s top jobs. Monday morning was overshadowed by a chaotic row with Labour’s Deputy Leader Angela Rayner, after Starmer curiously decided to carry out the reshuffle during her long-planned speech on sleaze. The evening went a lot better, with the Leader of the Opposition’s Office managing to successfully shuffle the pack without any further public drama. By close of play Labour had in place a shadow Cabinet that has more battle-hardened veterans in key positions, with some lower profile and more left-wing figures making way — and a leader feeling emboldened by his show of force. The next question is whether Rayner will seek to exact some form of revenge on LOTO for stealing her thunder.

Here’s your run through … ๐Ÿ”ผ means promoted, ๐Ÿ”ฝ means demoted, ➡️ means a sideways move, no emoji means no change.

New ShadCab in full: Deputy Leader, Shadow First Secretary of State, Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Shadow Secretary of State for the Future of Work (aaaand breathe) Angela Rayner … Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves … Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband ๐Ÿ”ฝ … Shadow Leveling Up Secretary Lisa Nandy ๐Ÿ”ฝ … Shadow Defense Secretary John Healey

Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell ➡️ … Shadow Environment Secretary Jim McMahon ➡️ … Shadow International Trade Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds ๐Ÿ”ฝ … Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Jenny Chapman … Shadow Justice Secretary Steve Reed ➡️ … Shadow Transport Secretary Louise Haigh ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, Party Chair and Chair of Labour Policy Review Anneliese Dodds … Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Jonathan Ashworth ๐Ÿ”ฝ … Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry ๐Ÿ”ฝ …

Shadow Cabinet Minister for Mental Health Rosena Allin-Khan … Shadow Cabinet Minister for International Development Preet Gill … Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Pat McFadden ๐Ÿ”ผ … Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Jo Stevens ๐Ÿ”ฝ … Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray … Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Kyle ๐Ÿ”ผ … National Campaign Coordinator Shabana Mahmood … Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Thangam Debbonaire … Shadow Chief Whip Alan Campbell … Shadow Leader of the House of Lords Angela Smith … Opposition Chief Whip in the House Roy Kennedy.

On the way up: Cooper is the big draw, making a belated return to the frontbench and vacating her position as chair of the home affairs select committee. Her battle with Home Secretary Priti Patel on small boats and borders will be immense … Lammy at shadow FCDO is an eye-catcher and promises fireworks … Streeting’s major promotion to the vital health beat earmarks him as a Starmer protege and potential next Labour leader … the same can be said for rising star Phillipson’s promotion to education … Nandy’s technical demotion could really be a win for her and the party as she seems an ideal fit on the leveling up brief as one of the Labour politicians who most scares the Tories … and there’s a good move to biz for the well-liked Reynolds.

Going down: Thomas-Symonds loses the Home Office beat after criticism he wasn’t cutting through to the public … Miliband is a major loser after clashing with Starmer on energy nationalization … Ashworth is an experienced and popular figure so his demotion is something of a surprise … Thornberry’s move takes her out of the frontline … she replaces Charlie Falconer who really had to leave the ShadCab due to his unfortunate outside legal work … Kate Green and Cat Smith leave the frontbench in another clearout of the left.

Miliband 2.0: The Times’ Eleni Courea — who scooped everyone (including Labour’s deputy leader) when she revealed the plan for a reshuffle in Monday’s paper — has the definitive piece today. “For months Sir Keir Starmer has faced accusations of failing to cut through with voters and land political blows against the government. Last night’s shadow cabinet reshuffle was a tacit acknowledgement that those accusations were true,” Courea writes. She says the row with Rayner and the decision to change the majority of his shadow Cabinet jobs showed Starmer was “ruthless” and “determined to assert his authority” as he tried “to do more to move the public polls in his favour.” Courea concludes: “One cause for concern is how reliant Labour’s operation appears to be on Miliband-era talent. What Starmer needs to avoid is suffering Miliband’s fate.”

Team Keir feeling bullish: A LOTO source told Playbook last night: “Today was Keir’s confidence as leader played out. He knew exactly the team he wanted to assemble and was able to announce it in full. With fresh hungry effective message-carriers in key briefs — the outcome is a triumph.” While a Labour source loyal to Starmer seemed to criticize Team Rayner for the morning’s blow up: “Any attempts to derail things earlier in the day were quickly swept aside. Keir is in charge of this party and the strength of the team he’s now got, proves why.”

How did it nearly go wrong? Playbook is told Starmer and Rayner had previously discussed a coming reshuffle in “theoretical” terms, with Rayner expressing her desire to sit down with the leader with a “big piece of paper” to thrash it out. Starmer was evidently not so keen on that idea. Rayner’s corruption speech had been slated for Monday at 11 a.m. in Labour’s communications grid for at least a week. When she went out on her morning broadcast round yesterday, she had no idea the reshuffle was coming that day, a source close to her says. She was contacted by LOTO after telling Times Radio at 8.35 a.m. that she was not aware of any plans for a reshuffle. Starmer then informed her that he would in fact be conducting a reshuffle — with Rayner’s allies accusing the leader of blindsiding her. At 11 a.m, Rayner gave her speech with the reshuffle underway — her team member Cat Smith announced her departure while Rayner was on stage.

Who’s right? Starmer is of course well within his rights to carry out a reshuffle without consulting his deputy. Though it’s fair to conclude that deliberately timing it to coincide with her speech was a bold and provocative move to say the least. His supporters say it showed his strength and his willingness to be uncompromising with the party’s left. But as the chaos and briefing war unfolded on Lobby hacks’ Twitter feeds, it had been some time since Playbook had heard any senior Tories in as good a mood as they were at 11 a.m. yesterday.

Rayner’s revenge: Rayner told Labour MPs and friends last night she was surprised by LOTO’s actions as she felt the two teams had been working well in recent weeks following the falling out during the last reshuffle. She also told friends she was angry with briefings she said had taken place against her staff members. Rayner’s allies on the left of the party claimed Labour grandee and Dark Lord Peter Mandelson had been involved in the hiring and firing decisions. They said they doubted whether the rift between the leader and deputy caused by yesterday’s events could be healed. All eyes on Rayner’s next public appearance.

**Do not miss the opportunity to join our stellar panel discussion at POLITICO Live’s event “Europe’s energy price surge: what it means for the bloc’s energy and climate policies?” on December 3. Last chance to register here**


HOUSE OF COMMONS: Sits from 11.30 a.m. with FCDO questions, followed by any statements or UQs … After that it’s opposition day, with business in the hands of the SNP. The mischief-making nationalists will take the chance to call for the house to censure Boris Johnson, triggering a three-hour debate about sleaze and the prime minister’s honesty.

CABINET RANKINGS: Playbook has a first look at the latest Conservative Home Cabinet League Table as chosen by Tory members, and it’s grim reading for Downing Street as the Owen Paterson scandal takes effect. Johnson is back into negative ratings, for the second time since the last election. The PM was fourth from bottom last time round on plus 20 points. Now he’s second from bottom on minus 17. Chief Whip Mark Spencer is down from mid-table to bottom on minus 27. Commons Leader Jacob Rees-Mogg is also down. Small boats is also clearly concerning Tory members: Home Secretary Priti Patel has gone from ninth from bottom on plus 25 points last time out, to third from bottom on zero. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is top of the league again — she’s now been there for a year. Head over to the Conservative Home website this morning for the full rankings.

M. BEAUNE RIDES AGAIN: French Europe Minister Clรฉment Beaune has blamed the Channel migrant crisis on what he calls the U.K.’s “quasi-modern slavery” economic model, as he urged the government to change the labor laws to deter migrants. Beaune’s colleague Gรฉrald Darmanin also said the crisis was “first and foremost an English issue,” in charming comments that are definitely likely to reduce the heat between London and Paris. POLITICO’s Jules Darmanin has the full story.

MOORE, RICHARD MOORE: MI6 chief Richard Moore will set out how AI and being more open can help the next generation of spies, in his first major public speech since taking on the role last year. In his address to the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank today, Moore will name China, Iran, Russia and international terrorism as the “big four” priorities for the intelligence world, and pointedly indicate that intelligence agencies will need help from the private sector to combat them. The BBC’s Frank Gardner has a good write-up.

Sleaze reforms: The standards committee yesterday published its proposals to clean up Westminster, including a ban on outside consultancy or strategy work, requiring MPs to seek advice before taking second jobs, banning MPs from making “unreasonable and excessive personal attacks” on social media, and adding an eighth principle of “respect” to the Seven Principles of Public Life. The proposals will now go out for public consultation before the committee makes its final recommendations in the new year. has the story.

HACKS TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM: The Chinese province of Henan is building a surveillance system with facial-recognition technology that classifies journalists into a “traffic-light” system, according to documents seen by the BBC’s James Clayton. The documents say any hacks classified as “red” would be “dealt with accordingly” — which sounds alarming. Other “people of concern” would also be surveilled under the system, including migrant women and foreign students.

ICYMI: Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon used her much-overshadowed SNP conference speech yesterday morning to reaffirm her commitment to pushing for IndyRef2 by the end of 2023 — more from Playbook’s Andrew McDonald here.

COMMITTEE CORRIDOR: The DCMS committee will hear from Olympic and Paralympic royalty in Adam PeatyLauren Rowles and Ellie Robinson on the future of National Lottery funding (10 a.m.) … The BEIS committee will look at the post-Brexit competition policy with former Office of Fair Trading Chair John Vickers (10.30 a.m.) … The Lords science and tech committee will quiz Environment Minister Zac Goldsmith (11 a.m.) … National Security Adviser Stephen Lovegrove‘s birthday treat is a couple of hours in front of the defense committee (2.30 p.m.) … Justice Secretary Dominic Raab will make his first appearance before the justice committee (2.30 p.m.) … The women and equalities committee will quiz Equalities Minister Mike Freer on the government’s conversion therapy consultation (3.15 p.m.) … and the public accounts committee will audit the National Audit Office (4.30 p.m.).

LORDS: Sits from 2.30 p.m. with questions on the outsourcing of telephone services by the DWP, domestic abuse in older people and preparations for next year’s Qatar World Cup … The main business will be a lengthy second reading of the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill.

**A message from Goldman Sachs: Five themes will shape the path towards net-zero, according to Goldman Sachs Research. 1. National commitments and further cuts to emissions by 2030 are critical to reaching net-zero by 2050. 2. Carbon pricing and offset schemes are a key instrument for high-cost de-carbonization, but require tighter standards, stronger supervision and better global liquidity. 3. Carbon labelling could empower consumers to choose low carbon goods and manage their carbon budgets. 4. The rise of ESG is driving capital towards de-carbonization, but regulatory uncertainty and a lack of global coordination are generating structural underinvestment in key materials, energy and heavy transport sectors, raising price inflation and affordability concerns. 5. A complex ecosystem of low carbon technologies will be needed to reach net-zero. To keep global warming below 1.5°C and reach net-zero by 2050, we expect a cumulative US $56 tn of green infrastructure investments. Learn more.**


Care Minister Gillian Keegan broadcast round: Sky News (7.05 a.m.) … Times Radio (7.20 a.m.) … BBC Breakfast (7.30 a.m.) … LBC (7.50 a.m.) … Today program (8.30 a.m.) … ITV GMB (8.30 a.m.) … talkRADIO (9.05 a.m.).

Shadow Leveling Up Secretary Lisa Nandy broadcast round: BBC Breakfast (6.40 a.m.) … Times Radio (7.35 a.m.) … Sky News (8.05 a.m.) … LBC (8.50 a.m.) … talkRADIO (9.05 a.m.).

Also on the Today program: U.K. Health Security Agency chief Jenny Harries (7.50 a.m.).

Also on BBC Breakfast: JCVI member Adam Finn (7.10 a.m.) … U.K. Health Security Agency chief Jenny Harries (8.20 a.m.) … Scotland’s National Clinical Director Jason Leitch (8.45 a.m.).

Also on Good Morning Britain (ITV): Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (8.15 a.m.).

Also on Kay Burley at Breakfast (Sky News): London Mayor Sadiq Khan (8.20 a.m.).

Also on Times Radio breakfast: SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford (8.35 a.m.) … London Mayor Sadiq Khan (8.45 a.m.) … Tory MP Mark Harper (9.05 a.m.).

Also on Nick Ferrari at Breakfast (LBC): Former Chair of the Vaccine Taskforce Clive Dix (8.05 a.m.).

Also on Julia Hartley-Brewer breakfast show (talkRADIO): Tory MP Mark Harper (8.05 a.m.) … NERVTAG member Robert Dingwall (9.20 a.m.).

Good Morning Scotland: Scottish Health Secretary Humza Yousaf (7.15 a.m.).

Politics Live (BBC Two 12.15 p.m.): Shadow Brexit Minister Jenny Chapman … Tory MP Ben Bradley … Former Labour adviser Andrew Fisher … GB News presenter Inaya Folarin Iman.

Iain Dale (LBC): Cross Question panel with Tory MP Damian Green … U.K. in a Changing Europe Director Anand Menon … Comedian Francis Foster (8 p.m.) … Phone-in with Tracey Crouch, chair of the fan led review of football governance (9 p.m.).

Reviewing the papers tonight: Sky News (10.30 and 11.30 p.m.): The Observer’s Sonia Sodha and the Telegraph’s Christopher Hope … Times Radio (10.30 p.m.): Former Labour/Lib Dem MP Luciana Berger and former Tory SpAd Mo Hussein.


(Click on the publication’s name to see its front page.)

Daily Express: Let’s go for it! Booster rollout to save Xmas.

Daily Mail: Ghislaine, ‘predator who served up young girls to be abused.’

Daily Mirror: Rush jab.

Daily Star: Jesus, Mary & Joseph & the wee donkey.

Financial Times: Booster jabs drive widened to all adults in battle to quell Omicron.

HuffPost UK: COVID boosters for all aged 18 and over.

i: Boosters for every adult in U.K. to fight Omicron.

Metro: Booster drive to beat Omi.

POLITICO UK: Vaccines vs. Omicron — The next big test in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Daily Telegraph: Biden — No cause for panic.

The Independent: NHS’s race to deliver 20m booster vaccines.

The Guardian: Race to return to 500,000 U.K. jabs a day as Omicron concern grows.

The Sun: Sheri smash horror.

The Times: Scramble to get jabs in arms.


WESTMINSTER WEATHER: ☁️☁️☁️ Thick cloud and a gentle breeze. Highs of 11C.

SPOTTED … At the Conservative Friends of Israel annual business lunch: PM Boris Johnson … Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis … Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely … Former PM Theresa May … Cabinet Ministers Liz Truss Kwasi Kwarteng … Alok Sharma … Priti Patel … Grant Shapps … Oliver Dowden … Nadine Dorries … No. 10 chief of staff Dan Rosenfield and SpAd Chloe Westley … Junior Ministers Michael Ellis … Stephen Greenhalgh … Conor Burns … Paul Scully … MPs Robert Jenrick Robert Halfon … Stephen Crabb … Andrew Bridgen … Andrew Bowie … Damian Green … Jacob Young … Christian Wakeford … Ben EverittMatt Hancock

Still going: Chris Grayling … Tobias Ellwood … Caroline Nokes … Sara Britcliffe … Jill Mortimer … Richard Holden … Mark Fletcher Damien Moore … Stephen Hammond … Mark Jenkinson … Sheryll Murray … Tom Randall … Peter Gibson … Miriam Cates … Siobhan Baillie … Jane Stevenson … Mark Francois … Guy Opperman … Andrew Percy … Alex Burnett … Andrew Rosindell and his aide Elliot Keck … Peer Kevin Shinkwin … Hacks Julia Hartley-Brewer and Sabrina Miller … Activist Nimco Ali … British Museum Chair George Osborne … and ACOBA Chair Eric Pickles.

BIRTHDAYS: Minister without portfolio Nigel Adams … South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis … Former Foreign Office Minister Hugo Swire … Tory peer Patrick McLoughlin … Former Schools Minister David Laws … National Security Adviser Stephen Lovegrove … No. 10 SpAd Meg Powell-Chandler … Senior communication officer in the lord speaker’s office Lucy Dargahi … Labour peer Hilary Armstrong … Lib Dem peer Graham Tope … Labour peer David Evans … Lib Dem peer Phil Willis … Natural England Chairman Andrew Sells … The New Statesman’s Anoosh Chakelian … and former UKIP leader Paul Nuttall.

PLAYBOOK COULDN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT: My editor Zoya Sheftalovich, reporter Andrew McDonald producer Grace Stranger.

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