Jumat, 26 November 2021

France cancels meeting with UK about migrant crossings over Boris Johnson's letter - Sky News

France has cancelled a meeting with the UK to discuss Channel crossings after Boris Johnson asked the French to take back migrants arriving in Britain.

French interior minister Gerald Darmanin told Home Secretary Priti Patel "she was no longer welcome" at Sunday's European meeting on migrant issues after 27 people died making the crossing on Wednesday, a French government spokesman said.

Spokesman Gabriel Attal said it was because of Mr Johnson's letter to French President Emmanuel Macron.

Mr Macron, asked about the letter, said: "I am surprised when things are not done seriously, we are not whistleblowers."

This is what remains of the boat that capsized in the Channel and resulted in the deaths of 27 people
Image: This is what remains of the boat that capsized in the Channel and resulted in the deaths of 27 people

Earlier, Mr Attal told BFMTV: "That letter was formally poor and its content inappropriate."

Mr Darmanin said the letter is a "disappointment" and the fact it was made public was "worse", French media reported.

An Interior Ministry statement, reported in French media, said the letter was "unacceptable and contrary to our discussions between counterparts".

More on Boris Johnson

The meeting will now go ahead with just France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the European Commission.

Mr Johnson's spokesman said the PM "does not regret tweeting the letter" as transparency is necessary and said it shows a desire to "deepen the relationship" with France.

"This is about deepening our existing co-operation and the work that is already being done between our two countries," the spokesman said.

"We want to work closely with international partners, obviously including France, on what is a shared issue so that we can find shared solutions."

He added that Home Office officials remain in Paris and they want to work closely with the French government.

Conservative MP Tim Loughton told Sky News the French need to "get real" and realise there are consequences to "turning a blind eye" to Channel crossings.

He added that the PM has "come up with practical solutions" and it is "extraordinary" Paris has cancelled the meeting.

Mr Darmanin and Ms Patel spoke on Thursday, with the Home Secretary's office saying they emphasised the need for "deeper co-operation" and agreed to remain in touch.

Governments on both sides of the Channel have been blaming each other this week after 27 migrants drowned on Wednesday evening off the coast of France as they tried to get to the UK on a small dinghy.

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What are the most common migration routes?

In the letter to Mr Macron, which he tweeted out, the PM set out five steps he thinks both sides should take "as soon as possible".

The PM's five-point plan entails:

• Joint patrols to prevent migrant boats from leaving French beaches
• Using more advanced technology such as sensors and radar
• Carry out reciprocal maritime patrols in each nation's territorial waters and utilise airborne surveillance
• "Deepening the work" of the Joint Intelligence Cell and ensuring there is better intelligence sharing to drive more arrests and prosecutions
• Committing to "immediate work" to strike a bilateral returns agreement between Paris and London, as well as discussions on a UK-EU agreement.

Migrants, including young children, were brought ashore by a rescue vessel after crossing the Channel.
Image: Migrants, including young children, arriving in the UK the day after 27 died

"If those who reach this country were swiftly returned the incentive for people to put their lives in the hands of traffickers would be significantly reduced," Mr Johnson said.

"This would be the single biggest step we could take together to reduce the draw to Northern France and break the business model of criminal gangs.

"I am confident that by taking these steps and building on our existing cooperation we can address illegal migration and prevent more families from experiencing the devastating loss we saw yesterday."

Suggestions the number of migrants crossing the Channel has reached record levels this year due to Brexit were dismissed by transport secretary Grant Shapps.

He told Sky News: "I think it's a bit of a red herring to mix it up with Brexit, it's not even an argument I've heard before.

"There were plenty of people crossing before but in different ways, they tended to do it by lorry but what's different here is the number of people doing it by sea.

"I think the Europe argument is confusing here because it's not related to that. It's heartbreaking to see and I think it's incumbent on the UK and France to do everything they can do to resolve this and get on top of this human tragedy."

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2021-11-26 13:20:02Z

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