Senin, 01 Februari 2021

UK COVID news live - latest updates: Britain orders 40m doses of French vaccine for next year - in sign it is preparing for longer-term jabs programme - Sky News

'Politicians need to understand the science' 

French President Emmanuel Macron's questioning of the effectiveness of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for those over 65 shows he may need to learn more about the science, it has been suggested.

In response to Mr Macron's comments, Professor Anthony Harnden, of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) told Good Morning Britain: "In my view the politicians need to understand the science before they make utterances like that." 

He told the programme: "This vaccine, from the data, is very very effective against hospitalisations and deaths and nearly 100% effective actually. 

"It is a really good safe vaccine and any older person that has received it should have absolute confidence that it is a good vaccine."

Mr Macron has been criticised for not choosing to impose a third national lockdown last week. 

He decided instead to order tighter border controls and an increased police action against those breaking a 6pm-6am curfew set up to curb the spread of the virus.

A government spokesman said 2.5 million people will have been vaccinated by the end of February.

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2021-02-01 08:46:52Z

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