Kamis, 25 Februari 2021

Budget 2021: Sunak's tax raid on pensioners likely to freeze lifetime allowance - The Times

Rishi Sunak is drawing up plans for a new “stealth tax” on wealthy pensioners as he seeks to repair Britain’s finances after the pandemic, The Times has learnt.

The chancellor is expected to announce in his budget next week that the lifetime allowance, the amount people can build up in their pension pot before incurring punitive tax charges, will be frozen for the rest of this parliament at just over £1 million.

The freeze means more people risk being dragged over the threshold and could face a 25 per cent levy on any additional income from their pension pot. The charge rises to 55 per cent if they choose to draw down a lump sum.

The additional charge would mean about 10,000 people with larger

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2021-02-26 00:01:00Z

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