Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021

New evidence that Nicola Sturgeon's team leaked name of Alex Salmond accuser - The Times

Unpublished evidence lodged with an inquiry into the Alex Salmond affair has raised fresh concerns that the SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, misled parliament, in breach of the ministerial code.

It indicates that her team was aware of harassment complaints against her former boss and closest friend several weeks before she told parliament she became aware of them.

The material from Salmond’s former chief of staff, Geoff Aberdein, also supports claims made by the former first minister that Sturgeon’s administration leaked the identity of one of the women complaining about him — claims that Sturgeon rejected last week.

Labour has said that such an identification would represent an “extraordinary breach of confidentiality” and a “fundamental breakdown of trust”.

The Sunday Times has been given details

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2021-02-28 00:01:00Z

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