Jumat, 27 November 2020

COVID-19: SAGE Christmas guidelines include no hugging, singsongs or Monopoly - Sky News

This week, the nation was given an early Christmas gift when UK leaders united to announce a seasonal reprieve on lockdown restrictions from 23 to 27 December.

Grandparents rejoiced at being able to see their families open gifts on Christmas Day and students were relieved to discover they could officially go home for the holidays.

But critics very quickly leapt on the pitfalls of allowing up to three households to form the so-called "Christmas bubbles" and issued bleak warnings about a possible doubling of infection rates following the lockdown let-up.

So, in order to mitigate the Christmas get-togethers, the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has issued some tips.

It says if people can't "get together" virtually via technology they should think about adopting some of the following suggestions:

More from Covid-19

Celebrate outdoors

"Where possible, identify ways to move celebrations and observances outside," it said.

The Environmental and Modelling Group (EMG) argued that, "aerosol transmission risk is considered to be very low outdoors" and suggested "creating excitement" around decorating the outside of buildings and homes, events like lights switch-ons and creating "celebration trails outdoors" similar to the pumpkin trails some areas adopted for this year's Halloween.

How the rules are going to change in your area from next week

Some communities are planning "window advent events" which require 24 houses to participate in a local area with children and families walking around the streets at a safe distance, spotting each window.

SAGE suggests creating timetables for Christmas carollers to visit streets or neighbourhoods instead of going house-to-house, or identifying a time for "everyone to come outside to ring bells (e.g. The Christmas Eve Jingle) which would echo the Clap for Carers activities of March and April".

Put sanitiser at the front door

As well as hand sanitisers, seating should be organised socially-distanced. "Perhaps put masks in visitors' coats and bags so there will always be one when they go out," says the advice.

No touching, no games or rowdy singing

Don't touch each other. Try "distanced greetings" when guests arrive, such as the "hand-on-heart", SAGE suggests.

Children should meet their grandparents outside where possible.

If people are staying over, only members of the same household should share a room.

High angle view of group of small friends playing ludo game on wooden floor at home.
Image: Think about a quiz rather than a board game - and skip the karaoke

Avoid crowding over the Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit and enjoy games such as quizzes that have limited interaction instead. Californian public health officials recently advised Americans celebrating Thanksgiving not to have singsongs together since saliva particles produced in "hearty songs" were easily transmitted.

Limit numbers

Just because we can have three households, it doesn't mean we should.

Limiting the number of visitors at one time and the duration of their visit "limits the time for viral load build-up and provides an opportunity to air and clean the home before another visitor arrives".

Also try to restrict visitors to those who have avoided risky contacts for two weeks before their visit.

Don't double dip the canapes

23 November 2020, Lower Saxony, Delmenhorst: A Santa Claus was put on a protective mask. For months the Borchart family did handicrafts and decorations. Now their house is lit up right up to the top of the roof. Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa
Image: Don't do a Santa - post gifts rather than deliver them in person

SAGE says sharing food and drink with members of another household who are staying overnight is risky.

Indoor interactions during colder months are likely to be riskier than during warmer months due to "decreased household or public indoor ventilation when doors and windows are closed to the elements".

Don't do a Santa

Post gifts rather than deliver them in person.

Go virtual

Think about sharing a Christmas meal or the opening of gifts via video-conferencing.

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2020-11-27 22:43:50Z

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