Kamis, 26 November 2020

Boris to address nation on Covid tiers as he emerges from isolation - Metro.co.uk

Boris Johnson composite image with people wearing face masks
Boris Johnson will hold a press conference on Thursday evening following the announcement of the new three-tier system (Picture: PA/Peter Macdiarmid/LNP)

The prime minister will address the nation today to further set out England’s new, tougher coronavirus three-tier system.

Boris Johnson is expected to hold the No 10 press briefing this evening, however a time has not yet been confirmed but it is expected to take place at 5pm.

It will be the first announcement he has given in-person rather than via video call in two weeks, after he was forced to self-isolate after coming into contact with a MP who later tested positive for Covid-19.

The press conference will be held after the health secretary announces which tier each local authority will be assigned in the Commons at 11.30am.



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Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
The PM was seen out of his flat for the first time in 14 days after coming out of isolation (Picture: Peter Macdiarmid/LNP)

England’s new tier system will come into effect after the nation’s month-long lockdown ends on December 2 and will be relaxed for a five-day period over Christmas.

The tiers will come into effect at 12.01am on Wednesday and will remain in place until March, with a partial lifting of rules between December 23 – 27 so families can spend the festive period together.

Ministers will review measures every two weeks and if by December 16 there are areas which are successfully lowering transmission rates, they could be dropped down a tier ahead of Christmas.

Reports suggest London and Liverpool are to avoid the strictest tier three measures and will be placed in tier two along with the majority of the country.

It is thought only a small number of rural areas will get away with the softest tier one measures, with reports suggesting they will include parts of eastern England and remote areas in Cornwall and Cumbria.

Greater Manchester, whose mayor Andy Burnham took on the PM over funding for the last round of restrictions, is expected to remain in the strictest tier three measures which will be even tougher than they were previously.

The chancellor confirmed this morning that the PM will hold a press briefing later, as he defended the new tier system amid criticism that the rules are largely similar to those of the current lockdown.

Rishi Sunak told Sky News: ‘The health secretary will make a statement later, the prime minister will also do a press conference later today.

‘And we had a Cabinet meeting which I can get back to after all of this where we’re going to finalise all of the decisions.

‘Look, this is all enormously frustrating, no one enjoys this, but I think people will see a difference.

A man wearing a face mask passes a Christmas window display reading 'Bah Humbug'
The tier restrictions will be eased for a five-day period over Christmas (Picture: PA)

‘In all cases, we already know shops will be open everywhere, personal care, there’s relaxations on what can happen outdoors, communal worship, so all of those things will change – and changes to the curfew.

‘Whichever tier you’re in I think people will see a tangible change.



‘That said, things are obviously not normal and I can’t pretend that next week things are going to feel like they were before the spring.’

The prime minister was today spotted outside of his flat for the first time in 14 days, after being contacted by Test and Trace to isolate when Lee Anderson tested positive.

Mr Johnson, Mr Anderson and several other MPs were forced to go into self-isolate after they attended a breakfast meeting at Downing Street.

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2020-11-26 08:29:00Z

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