Sabtu, 28 November 2020

Britons FURIOUS as Brexit negotiators told: ‘Grow up, admit you can’t agree a deal!’ - Daily Express

Brexit negotiators have sparked fury with just five weeks to go before the UK finally unshackles from the Union as torturous talks go down to the wire with signs of an agreement not in sight. So much so face-to-face negotiations between Michel Barnier and Lord David Frost over a trade deal restarted on Saturday, in a last-ditch attempt to find an agreement. But Britons hit back, telling both UK and EU negotiators it was time to “get on with it” and “admit you can’t agree”, which would result in Britain finally exiting the Union without a deal.

They called for Boris Johnson to shut the door on the EU, untangled from a “web of deceit and deception”.

One commented on “How many more final deadlines will these children name.

“Grow up, admit you can't agree and the result will be no deal. Get on with it.

“I find it strange, that these people are paid enormous sums for this behaviour.”

Another said: “WALK AWAY.......WALK AWAY......WALK AWAY...... do not get sucked into their system in any way…….”

One added: “Stop talking b*** and grow up!”

A reader posted: “Do us a favour kick Barnier out with nothing.”

Another added: "Cut ALL ties to get away from the EU. Why should we have to keep paying them? A clean break.”

READ MORE: Brexit LIVE: Boris holds crunch call with Irish leader ahead of talks

Outraged Britons also hit back, accusing the EU of “arrogance” and offering the UK something they already had a claim over.

One said: “The EU still do not appear to understand, and certainly do not respect what sovereignty means.

“It is not up the EU to determine fishing quotas to be taken from UK waters, it is up to the UK!

“Without showing respect for the UK's sovereignty the EU is not a trustworthy trading partner or ally!"

Another said: “Our fish so they will NOT be given the UK anything. We should be pulling the strings NOT the EU. We are NOT puppets.

“Don't give in now and please do NOT take away anything from the UK to give to the EU. They have taken from us long enuough. Be strong Boris.”

One said: “I don't think it's for them to make an offer over fishing, it's for them to accept an offer. Still as arrogant as ever.”

Another posted: “So the EU is going to give us back a little of what is the UK’s in the first place.

“Utter arrogance of Barnier and these people in Brussels beggars belief.”

EU negotiator Mr Barnier arrived for talks in London on Saturday morning after saying on Friday night he was "very happy" to be back in the city and would keep working with "patience and determination".

Mr Barnier and Britain's chief negotiator David Frost are working to secure a deal before the UK's transition period with the EU ends on December 31. Both sides are calling for the other to compromise on the three main issues of contention - fishing, state aid and how to resolve any future disputes.

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2020-11-28 13:53:00Z

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