Jumat, 12 Januari 2024

Simple reason HMP Birmingham prison officer who had sex with inmate had to be jailed herself - Birmingham Live

A prison officer who had sex with an inmate had to be jailed herself for a simple reason. Shania Begum had an inappropriate relationship with a prisoner called Joshua Mullings at HMP Birmingham and was caught on a covert camera having sexual activity with him in a store cupboard in September 2022.

The 25-year-old from Telford admitted misconduct in a public office. Yesterday Birmingham Crown Court heard it was likely she had been 'groomed' by the inmate rather than the other way around.

Judge John Butterfield KC concluded she met much of the criteria for a suspended sentence including having a 'realistic prospect of rehabilitation', personal mitigation and the fact immediate imprisonment would result in harm to her mother and older sister who she cared for due to health issues.

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He also stated Begum did not pose a risk to the public and had no history of poor compliance with court orders due to the fact she had never previously committed a crime. But judge Butterfield then considered the final factor in determining whether to suspend the sentence which is whether 'appropriate punishment' can only be served in jail.

He said it was clear from similar cases, albeit involving police officers as opposed to prison officers, that a 'message' needed to be sent out. Begum broke down in tears as she was told she would have to serve her 16 months immediately and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to her family members in the public gallery.

In reality she expected the outcome having walked into the dock carrying a red holdall bag of belongings. While her barrister Andrew Baker had not even argued for a suspended sentence. He only asked that her term be kept to a minimum.

Shania Begum
Shania Begum, who worked as a prison officer at HMP Birmingham

He pointed to the fact she had pleaded guilty, was of previous good character and had shown remorse. Mr Baker told the court at the time of the offence Begum was being pressured into an arranged marriage with a 'controlling' man who dictated where she went and who she spoke to.

He stated she felt 'cherished' in the relationship with Mullings but argued he had exploited her. Begum had worked at HMP Birmingham since 2018. Her illicit affair with the inmate was revealed in intelligence from a wider investigation at the Winson Green jail from July 2022.

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Authorisation was granted for her to be put under surveillance including a covert camera being installed in the store cupboard, which she was supposed to direct prisoners to tidy up. It captured Begum and Mullings together on multiple occasions between September 22 and 29 that year.

Prosecutor Daniel Oscroft said: "Initially they were alone together, playfighting and flirting. The acts ranged from heavy petting to penetrative sexual activity; Ms Begum giving the inmate oral sex on at least two occasions and full sexual intercourse on at least one occasion.

"The defendant was seen and heard to be interrupted by the work radio which she ignored. She was also interrupted by fellow prison staff. She was approached by one member of staff saying he had been looking for her for an hour."

Judge Butterfield described her behaviour as an 'utter repudiation of the trust placed in you' and said: "It has the potential and actual corrosive impact on the stability and welfare of the prison estate. It is a clear and present risk to good order."

He added: "Your conduct made you wholly open to all manner of further exploitation."

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2024-01-12 10:49:00Z

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