Kamis, 20 Juli 2023

Nigel Farage says Coutts behaved like Corbynista students - latest updates - The Telegraph

Nigel Farage has accused Coutts of behaving like Corbynista students after documents showed he was targeted because of his political views.

The former Ukip and Brexit Party leader had his bank account closed by Coutts, a subsidiary of NatWest, after it said he did not align with its “values”.

Speaking to Newsnight about the dossier compiled on him, Mr Farage said: “The vitriol, the bias, the prejudice... It reads like a report read by a postgraduate Corbynista that literally hates everybody with a Conservative view. I was shocked, I was literally shocked.

“This was a personal hit job. It was like a brief to a barrister before a criminal trial. This bank are behaving now like a political campaigning organisation.”

It came as The Telegraph disclosed that Dame Alison Rose, the NatWest chief executive, sat next to Simon Jack, the BBC’s business editor, at a charity dinner the night before Mr Jack wrote a story claiming Mr Farage had been de-banked for “commercial” reasons – a story now described as “concerning” by the banking watchdog.

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2023-07-20 08:35:48Z

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