Senin, 05 Desember 2022

Keir Starmer: Government sitting on hands over strikes - The Times

Rail unions and the government need to compromise in a pay dispute, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

The Labour leader suggested that ministers needed to consider higher pay and unions needed to consider reforms to a week-long shut down of the railways next week.

After Britain’s biggest rail union rejected a pay offer, Starmer refused to take sides, saying he would not say “one side’s right, one side’s wrong”.

But he told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “Both sides need to compromise, both sides need to finish the negotiations and the government needs to drive them forward.”

Arguing that the Labour-led Welsh government had been able to avoid strikes, he said: “The government’s been sitting on its hands in this. That’s not good enough. And I

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2022-12-05 09:15:00Z

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