Rabu, 30 November 2022

Heart attack patients face ambulance waiting times of more than an hour - The Times

Patients face a postcode lottery when they call 999 with a medical emergency, an analysis has shown after ambulance workers announced plans for the first national strike for 30 years.

Some with life-threatening conditions are waiting up to three times longer than those in other towns and cities. Patients with a suspected heart attack or stroke in Bristol wait over an hour on average for an ambulance to arrive, while those in Oxford wait just 19 minutes. The longest average wait was one hour 41 minutes, in Cornwall.

Medics should arrive within 18 minutes after “category two” calls for a serious condition, such as a stroke or chest pain, which may require urgent assessment or transport to hospital. This target was met in only two

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2022-12-01 00:01:00Z

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