Minggu, 06 November 2022

Floods close roads as homeowners prepare for more downpours - The Times

Thousands of homes and businesses across England and Wales are braced for flooding as a deluge sweeps across the country this week.

Flood alerts were in place across the southeast of England and the western coast of Wales last night after downpours over the weekend ensured a drenched Bonfire Night for many.

Persistent, heavy rain could lead to flooding of homes and businesses and affect public transport in the south of England from West Sussex to Kent, the Met Office said.

While rainfall in some parts has already reached a third of the monthly average, hosepipe bans remain in place across much of the country as water companies, including Thames Water, struggle to make up for the summer heatwaves and several dry months.

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2022-11-07 00:01:00Z

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