Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020

Labour calls for A-level and GCSE exams delay because pupils face 'mountain to climb' - Sky News

Labour is calling for next year's A-levels and GCSEs in England to be delayed in order to help pupils cope with the impact of the coronavirus crisis.

Shadow education secretary Kate Green said exams should be pushed back to allow extra teaching time as pupils now face a "mountain to climb" after losing out on up to six months of teaching.

She said exams due next May should be delayed until June or July.

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Ms Green said: "Pupils across the country who have missed out on vital teaching time will have a mountain to climb to prepare for May exams unless the government steps in.

"Ministers had warning after warning about problems with this year's exam results, but allowed it to descend into a fiasco.

"This is too important for Boris Johnson to leave until the last minute. Pupils heading back to school need clarity and certainty about the year ahead."

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Labour is also urging ministers to review the existing support arrangements for post-16 students so that pupils preparing to sit their A-levels are not left without help.

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Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said the proposal was "worthy of serious consideration".

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"What is most important is that we don't see a repeat of this year's chaos," he said.

"Poor planning and last-minute changes by the government caused misery for many students. It would be indefensible if that happened again.

"Labour's suggestion of a delay to help with 'catch-up' is worthy of serious consideration.

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"A delay is not without its problems, a consequential delay to the publication of results will put pressure on higher education providers such as universities and colleges as well as employers. All this will need to be dealt with."

A Department for Education spokesperson said: "We recognise that students due to take exams next summer will have experienced disruption to their education, which is why we prioritised bringing Year 10 and Year 12 pupils back to school last term.

"Exams will go ahead next year, and we have been working closely with the sector, Ofqual and exam boards to consider our approach."

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2020-08-31 03:22:45Z

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