Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020

Coronavirus: Universities could become 'the care homes of any second wave', union warns - The Times

The risk of infection on campuses could see universities become the ground zero of a second wave of Covid-19 unless they avoid face-to-face teaching, academics have warned.

The movement of an expected one million students around Britain as they return to higher education in the next month has led the University and College Union (UCU) to warn that the government is “encouraging a public health crisis”.

Jo Grady, the general secretary of the UCU, said the mass movement “could lead to universities being the care homes of any second wave of Covid”.

She also accused the government of a lack of planning. More students are expected on campuses following the admissions fiasco as data suggests that infection rates are increasing among younger people.

“So the

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2020-08-30 11:00:00Z

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