Kamis, 27 Agustus 2020

Imran Safi: international search after man abducts sons from foster carer - The Times

A man has abducted his three sons from foster care at knifepoint, prompting an international search.

Police are looking for Imran Safi and the boys, who were taken from a garden in south London.

Detectives believe that Imran Safi had learnt that his sons were about to be adopted


Scotland Yard said ports had been put on alert after he threatened a foster mother with a knife and led Bilal, six, Mohammed Ebrar, five, and Mohammed Yaseen, three, from the property in Coulsdon, Croydon, last week.

Police do not know whether Mr Safi, 26, and the boys have left the country or gone into hiding. The foster carer did not suffer serious injury but was “understandably distressed”.

Detectives believe that Mr Safi, an Afghan with links to Pakistan, had learnt that his sons were about to be adopted. Eight people

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2020-08-27 23:01:00Z

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