Senin, 31 Agustus 2020

Soups and shakes to help tackle the type 2 diabetes crisis - Sky News

Type 2 diabetics are to be encouraged to try a soup and shakes weight-loss plan as the health service steps up efforts to tackle the condition.

Being overweight or obese greatly increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, but a NHS England trial with 5,000 patients showed that showed almost half of people who undertook the weight loss plan saw their type 2 diabetes go into remission after a year.

As part of the year-long plan, patients who have been diagnosed with the condition in the last six years and meet other eligibility criteria will be given so-called "total diet replacement products" such as shakes and soups for three months.

Alongside this, they will be supported to increase their exercise levels, and helped to reintroduce ordinary, nutritious food to their diets, with ongoing advice from clinicians and coaches.

NHS England said that as well as helping people live happier, healthier lives, more action to tackle obesity and diabetes will save the health service money and free up staff time.

The diet programme will be rolled out initially to patients in 10 areas of England.

A third of people who died in hospital with COVID-19 had diabetes, according to Public Health England data, and more than 12.3 million people in the UK are at risk of developing the disease.

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 NHS has announced it will accelerate the expansion of its diabetes prevention programme. File pic
Image: The risk of developing type 2 diabetes could be influenced by a person's BMI more than genetics. File pic

The NHS diet plan comes as a new study found that most cases of type 2 diabetes could be reversed if a sufferer's body mass index (BMI) is kept under a certain level.

The survey of almost half a million people also found that BMI is a more influential risk factor for the illness than genetics.

It suggested that most cases could be reversed or even prevented if a person was able to keep their BMI below the point where abnormal blood sugar levels are triggered.

Everyone has a different threshold, explaining why some with a healthy weight develop diabetes while some who are overweight do not.

Professor Brian Ference, from Cambridge University, said the study's findings could have "significant" implications for screening, prevention and treatment of the condition.

The study's 445,765 participants were divided into five groups according to their genetic risk and five groups according to their BMI.

Just over half of them were women, with an average age of 57.

They were followed until an average age of 65 and, during that period 31,298 of them developed type 2 diabetes.

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Those with the highest BMI had an 11-fold increased risk compared to those with the lowest BMI, and a higher chance of developing diabetes than all the other BMI groups, regardless of genetic risk.

Prof Ference said: "This suggests that when people cross a certain BMI threshold, their chances of diabetes go up and stay at that same high-risk level regardless of how long they are overweight.

"You can prevent most cases of diabetes by keeping BMI below a person's threshold."

Researchers are working on a way to estimate a person's threshold and Prof Ference said he hopes for results on this by early next year.

The findings were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.

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2020-09-01 01:50:58Z

Boris Johnson will say today that re-opening schools will help get Britain back to normal - Daily Mail

Boris Johnson's roadmap to 'normality': PM to lay out his new priorities to Cabinet TODAY to avoid ever having another lockdown - as schools lead the way in 'process of national recovery'

  • Children will be heading back to school for the first time in almost six months 
  • A union leader said  reopening schools is an important step in national recovery
  • A Government source said the Mr Johnson wants to get back to more normality

Boris  Johnson will tell his Cabinet today that the reopening of schools should act as a springboard for ‘more normality’ for the whole country.

Millions of children return to classrooms this week, with many heading back for the first time in almost six months.

Around 40 per cent of schools in England are expected to open today, with the rest following later in the week. They were closed by Covid-19 on March 20, with only vulnerable pupils and the children of key workers allowed to continue classes.

Union leader Geoff Barton said reopening schools would be ‘a vital step in the process of national recovery’.

Millions of children return to classrooms this week, with many heading back for the first time in almost six months. Pictured: Students at St Columba's High School, Gourock, disinfecting their hands

Millions of children return to classrooms this week, with many heading back for the first time in almost six months. Pictured: Students at St Columba's High School, Gourock, disinfecting their hands

The general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders praised staff for their ‘meticulous planning’, saying: ‘They have done a fantastic job in putting in place a complex set of safety measures to minimise the risks associated with coronavirus.

‘Schools will be focusing on the task of identifying where pupils have fallen behind with their learning during the lockdown period, and tailoring support to bring these young people back up to speed as quickly as possible.’

A Government source said the Prime Minister will set out his ‘priorities for the autumn’ during a meeting with ministers this morning as the first lessons of the new school year take place. ‘He wants to gradually get back to more normality, and the return of schools plays a big part in that,’ the source said.

‘As children go back more parents will be freed up to return to work. At the same time, [Mr Johnson] wants to get further down the track to recovery on Covid – getting the test-and-trace regime improved and getting the local lockdown process beefed up, so that we never have to have a return to national lockdown.

‘And you will see a doubling down on the agenda from the election – levelling up opportunity across the country.’

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined a class of year 11 pupils at Castle Rock school, Coalville, on their the pupils' first day back

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined a class of year 11 pupils at Castle Rock school, Coalville, on their the pupils' first day back

Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith called on bosses to ‘show some backbone’ and ‘start getting their people back to work’ now that children are returning to school, adding: ‘If we don’t get this right, the economy will suffer, people will lose their jobs and more people will die.’ Fellow Conservative MP Steve Baker added: ‘The return of schools holds out the hope that parents will start to return to the office. With that, our town centres can be rescued from ruin. The future is bleak indeed if parents stay at home.’

Call to delay exams

Pressure is growing on ministers to delay next year’s exams to help students who have missed out on months of teaching time.

GCSEs and A-levels will take place in 2021 but Labour and some unions want the start date to change from May to June or July.

Opposition education spokesman Kate Green said Year 11 and 13 pupils face ‘a mountain to climb’ unless the timetable is altered. She added: ‘This is too important to leave until the last minute. Pupils need certainty about the year ahead.’

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT, said a delay was worth ‘serious consideration’. Regulator Ofqual has consulted on the issue but has not yet revealed its decision.



While ministers are confident that the new term will go ahead as planned, their biggest fear is families refusing to send their children back to school.

The Education Secretary made a final bid to win over sceptical parents yesterday. Gavin Williamson – who is due to be grilled in the Commons over the summer exams fiasco today – stressed that children returning to classrooms is crucial ‘not only for their education but for their development and wellbeing too’.

His plea came as a report warned that pupils may have fallen as much as three months behind, with boys faring worse than girls.

Teachers in the most deprived schools were more than three times more likely to report that their pupils are even further behind, the National Foundation for Educational Research said.

Parents can be fined as a last resort if they keep their children away from school without good reason.

Local authorities may issue penalties of £120 – cut to £60 if settled within 21 days – with parents facing the threat of prosecution if they fail to pay up. However, the NAHT, which represents head teachers, has called for this threat to be lifted as ‘a fine is unlikely to make you feel any safer’.

General secretary Paul Whiteman said: ‘We can see few circumstances in which a fine would be appropriate in this “Covid term”.’

Schools also fear that anti-virus measures will have a serious impact on stretched budgets. An estimated £2.4billion in extra funding may be required to help them cope, The Guardian reported. 

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2020-08-31 23:02:47Z

Channel swimmer rescued after eight-hour search - BBC News

A lone man attempting to swim the English Channel from Dover to Calais has been rescued following an eight-hour search.

The hunt was prompted by a call to the coastguard from a friend of the swimmer on Monday.

A helicopter and lifeboats were launched as part of the rescue effort, and the man was eventually found by a boat just 500m off the coast of Dover.

The swimmer was brought to shore and was described as "cold and tired".

The rescue operation began just after mid-day.

A coastguard spokesperson said: "At around 12.10pm today HM Coastguard received a call from a member of the public with information that their friend was swimming unaccompanied to Calais from Dover.

"Coastguard rescue teams from Deal and Langdon, RNLI lifeboats from Dover and Dungness and coastguard search and rescue helicopters from Lydd and Lee-on-Solent were sent.

"Vessels in the area were asked to keep a sharp lookout and Kent Police, Dover Port Police and Dover Port were informed.

"The swimmer was spotted shortly before 8pm by a passing vessel only 500 metres off Dover and was taken onboard the RNLI Dungeness lifeboat, cold and tired but otherwise well.

"He has been brought to shore and will be checked over by South East Ambulance Service."

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2020-08-31 22:15:20Z

Lone Channel swimmer is found by passing vessel after eight-hour search - Daily Mail

Lone Channel swimmer is found by passing vessel after eight-hour search just 500 yards into his planned 27-mile swim from Dover to Calais

  • Person called the coastguard to report friend was attempting the swim alone
  • Helicopter and rescue boats dispatched to the dangerous shipping lanes at noon
  • Passing vessel picked the man up at around 8pm, just 15 minutes before dusk
  • He'd managed to make it 500 yards off Dover, cold and tired, but otherwise well
  • Do YOU know the Channel swimmer? Email

A solo English Channel swimmer who sparked an eight-hour search has been picked up by a passing vessel just 500 yards into his planned 27 mile swim from Dover to Calais.   

A helicopter and rescue boats were dispatched to the sea off Kent after the coastguard received a call from a member of the public saying a friend was trying to cross to France. 

The rescue operation started just after midday and continued until nearly 8pm on Sunday, when the swimmer was spotted by a passing vessel.

When found, he was cold and tired but otherwise well, the coastguard confirmed.

An RNLI life boat and helicopter in the English Channel (stock image)

An RNLI life boat and helicopter in the English Channel (stock image)

The search for the solo Channel swimmer began shortly after midday. He was picked up by a passing vessel at around 8pm having made it just 500 yards out of Dover 

He has been brought to shore and will be checked over by ambulance staff.

The incident was not related to migrant crossings.

A coastguard spokesperson said: 'At around 12.10pm today HM Coastguard received a call from a member of the public with information that their friend was swimming unaccompanied to Calais from Dover.

'Coastguard rescue teams from Deal and Langdon, RNLI lifeboats from Dover and Dungness and coastguard search and rescue helicopters from Lydd and Lee-on-Solent were sent.

'Vessels in the area were asked to keep a sharp lookout and Kent Police, Dover Port Police and Dover Port were informed.

'The swimmer was spotted shortly before 8pm by a passing vessel only 500 metres off Dover and was taken onboard the RNLI Dungeness lifeboat, cold and tired but otherwise well.

'He has been brought to shore and will be checked over by South East Ambulance Service.'

Air temperatures in Dover on Monday afternoon were about 17C with winds of up to 10mph, according to the Met Office.

The fastest ever swim across the Channel is a little over seven hours and across the shortest route, measured at 21 miles, great care and planning must be undertaken to avoid colossal cargo vessels. 

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2020-08-31 22:05:13Z

Britons FURIOUS as Sturgeon tries to ban word ‘British’ from UK festival - Express

The reports sparked a furious reaction on the Daily Express Facebook page.

One reader commented: “Well Scotland is a part of Great Britain so what’s wrong with that, the Scots do do their own version in the car park at Holyrood with Argos special gazebo and some party balloons, as that’s all they could afford after independence!”

Another fumed: “She is now getting ridiculous, she needs to be reined in, and quick.”

A third blasted: “What is a matter with this woman!”

Another added: “Just more proof she despises the rest of the UK but doesn't mind taking our cash, no she wants more and more of that.”

A fifth posted: “She’s well suited to the EU, petty, out of her depth, lading her country downwards.”

One more said: “If the Scots want the U.K. and Britain broken up just carry on voting Sturgeon, carry on voting SNP.

READ MORE: Sturgeon SHAMED: SNP caught sitting on emergency welfare fund

The festival has been inspired by the 1851 Great Exhibition and the 1951 Festival of Britain.

At the time, Mrs May said the festival would strengthen "our precious union".

She said: "Just as millions of Britons celebrated their nation's great achievements in 1951, we want to showcase what makes our country great today.”

Whitehall sources told the SNP’s stance on the festival was “quite annoying and frustrating”.

When asked, the Scottish Government refused to say whether requests had been made for the words “UK” and “Britain” to be removed.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “Ministers haven’t even seen any branding proposals to take a position on and have suggested a similar approach to the pan UK Cultural Olympiad at the time of the London Olympics would work well for this.

“The Scottish Government has engaged constructively from an early stage.”

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2020-08-31 21:35:00Z

Richard Morris: Body found in search for top diplomat missing since May - Sky News

Police searching for missing diplomat Richard Morris have found a body in the forest where he jogged regularly.

Detectives have not formally identified the body, but Mr Morris's family has been told of the discovery.

The former UK ambassador to Nepal, 52, vanished on 6 May after setting out on a run from his home in the village of Bentley, Hampshire.

Search for Richard Morris
Image: Officers spent a month searching for the diplomat in a forest and surrounding areas

Police searched Alice Holt Forest near Farnham and other areas where the father-of-three was known to run regularly, but scaled down their operation a month later.

They appealed for sightings from other runners and asked them to check his profile on the running app Strava, while motorists were asked for footage from dashboard cameras.

Hampshire Police said the death was not being treated as suspicious and a file is being prepared for the coroner.

Mr Morris's family is being supported by specialist officers, Hampshire Police said.

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The diplomat was last seen by a member of the public at about 10.50am on 6 May, running in Isington Road, Alton.

Officers searched more than 3.4 square miles (9sq km) of land and water in Alice Holt Forest as well as areas of Alton and Binstead.

Richard Morris went missing from his home on 6 May
Image: Mr Morris was ambassador to Nepal from 2015 to 2019

They also viewed CCTV footage and carried out house-to-house inquiries but found nothing by June, when they halted the search.

Mr Morris was a regular participant in the weekly Alice Holt run on Saturdays, a 5km route around the forest along tracks, trails and cycle paths.

Prince Harry in Nepal
Image: Mr Morris was with Prince Harry during his royal tour of Nepal in 2016

He was the UK's ambassador to Nepal between 2015 and November 2019, and was with Prince Harry during his tour of the country in 2016.

Before that, he headed the Pacific department in the Foreign Office and has held senior diplomatic posts including in Australia and Mexico.

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2020-08-31 16:18:45Z

'Device' in bathroom of flight intercepted by RAF 'not of concern' | ITV News - ITV News

Two men arrested by counter-terrorism police after a Ryanair flight to the UK was intercepted by RAF fighter jets have been released because a "suspicious device" in the plane's bathroom was "found not to be of concern".

A 34-year-old man from Kuwait and a 48-year-old man from Italy were arrested soon after 7pm on Sunday.

In a statement released on Monday, the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit said: "Officers investigating reports of a suspicious device on a flight landing at London Stansted Airport on Sunday have concluded their inquiries.

"Following reports of a suspicious device in the bathroom of a plane arriving from Vienna, Austria, shortly after 7pm, Counter Terrorism Policing officers from the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit detained two men under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act (2000).

"After examination by specialist investigators, the object was found not to be of concern. Officers spoke with the two men and neither were considered to have committed any offences."

Passengers in London Stansted waiting to depart to Vienna were transferred to a spare aircraft to minimise the delay to their flight

Detective Superintendent Andy Waldie added: "We understandably take any reports of suspicious objects or behaviour on flights very seriously and thankfully on this occasion there was no cause for concern.

"I'd like to thank those on the flight for their cooperation and understanding while officers conducted their inquiries."

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2020-08-31 12:01:00Z

'Greedy' customer tries to blag EIGHT half price meals on Eat Out To Help Out - Daily Mail

'Greedy' customer tries to blag EIGHT half price meals at fish and chip shop using Eat Out to Help Out scheme 'to keep him going for a week'

  • Eglinton Diner and Fish Fry was left in 'disbelief' after a man ordered eight meals
  • They declined the order as they couldn't provide all eight on the scheme
  • After the customer posted an angry message online the restaurant responded 

A 'greedy' customer has been shamed by a fish and chip shop after he tried to order eight half price meals on the Eat Out To Help Out scheme.

Waiters at Eglinton Diner and Fish Fry in Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, were left in 'disbelief' when a lone male walked in and asked for one meal to eat in and seven to take away.

When shocked staff asked him why he had placed the large order, he said he hoped to get enough discounted meals to last 'for a few days'.

After they explained this wasn't how the taxpayer-funded scheme worked the man took to social media to vent his rage - prompting a furious rebuke from the business.

Eglinton Diner and Fish Fry in North Ayrshire posted this response to the man on social media after he ordered eight meals on the taxpayer-funded scheme. 

The diner said its waiters reacted in 'disbelief' when they received the lone male's order

The diner said its waiters reacted in 'disbelief' when they received the lone male's order

Saying he did not recommend the restaurant, the man wrote: 'Attitude totally pants and insulting, lost out on eight different meals, KFC loved your money, long time customer never be back.'

The enraged restaurant responded: 'I can only assume you were the person in the diner yesterday who was dining alone but asked to order eight suppers.

'One to eat and the other seven to take away to keep you going for the next few days.

'Please read the rules on the Eat Out to Help Out scheme as this is certainly not the way it is intended to work.

'It is people with your greed that puts schemes like this in jeopardy and we value our business too much to be bending rules for greedy customers.

'I hope you enjoyed your meal.'

They then shared his review on their social media page with the caption: 'I think the attitude of the staff was utter disbelief. Trying to order eight meals for one person so he can get them half price. Unbelievable!'

Customers have voiced their support for the business on social media.

The Treasury has revealed more than 64 million meals have been claimed on the scheme, which discounts meals eaten in restaurants from Monday to Wednesday by up to £10.

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2020-08-31 11:32:42Z

Stansted Airport: Two held over 'suspicious device' on plane released - BBC News

Two men arrested after reports of a "suspicious device" in a passenger plane's toilet have been released without charge.

RAF jets were scrambled to intercept the Ryanair plane and escorted it to Stansted at about 19:00 BST on Sunday.

Counter-terror officers detained two men but an object in the bathroom has been "found not to be of concern" after an investigation.

The men are not considered to have committed any offences, police said.

Typhoon jets from RAF Coningsby intercepted the plane and escorted it to Stansted.

The Eastern Region Special Operations Unit said the men were detained under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act.

But in a new statement on Monday they said: "After examination by specialist investigators, the object was found not to be of concern.

"Officers spoke with the two men and neither were considered to have committed any offences."

Det Supt Andy Waldie said: "We understandably take any reports of suspicious objects or behaviour on flights very seriously and thankfully on this occasion there was no cause for concern.

"I'd like to thank those on the flight for their cooperation and understanding while officers conducted their inquiries."

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2020-08-31 12:00:00Z

Eat Out to Help Out ends TODAY as Rishi Sunak urges diners to keep heading out - Daily Mail

'Food binge day!' Diners make final scramble to restaurants for last day of Eat Out to Help Out as Rishi Sunak RULES OUT extending scheme but Wetherspoon vows to keep discount going

  • 'Rishi's Dishes' scheme is ending today as the Treasury ruled out extending offer after claims for 64m meals 
  • Diners shared photos of their bargain meal deals on social media as others vowed to 'eat as much as we can'  
  • Cafe-goers in Winchester were forced to queue for three hours to get a table in frantic final rush to take part

Britons are locked in a frantic final dash to take advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out deal on its final day - as Rishi Sunak ruled out extending the promotion but Wetherspoons vowed to launch its own discount programme. 

Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the scheme, which has seen the government pay 50% of the bill up to £10 per head at participating restaurants from Monday to Wednesday.

In Winchester, cafe-goers were forced to queue for three hours to get a table so they could use the discount, which has been dubbed 'Rishi's Dishes'. 

One bargain-hunter, Brandon Reis, 25, told MailOnline: 'The opportunity to make savings like this may never come again, so I've been eating out two to three times a week.' 

The Chancellor said more than 64million meals had been claimed since the initiative was launched at the beginning of August.

Reports that it could be extended to help hard-pressed city centres were today dismissed by a senior Treasury source, who told MailOnline: 'We love it as much as everyone else but Rishi is very clear about hard stops.'

Meanwhile, pub operator JD Wetherspoon has said it will fund discounts on meals from Monday to Wednesday until at least November 11, describing the scheme as a 'great boost' to the hospitality industry. 

The programme was part of an attempt to boost the hospitality industry in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak and help hard-pressed town centres.

Twitter user Vicky Osgood enjoyed a nine-item breakfast at Gloucester Services, including bubble and squeak and haggis, plus a coffee for £6.20. She tweeted: 'Probably our last #EatOutToHelpOut meal, but we've finished on a cracker'

Twitter user Vicky Osgood enjoyed a nine-item breakfast at Gloucester Services, including bubble and squeak and haggis, plus a coffee for £6.20. She tweeted: 'Probably our last #EatOutToHelpOut meal, but we've finished on a cracker'

Twitter user Edmund O'Leary enjoyed a bumper All English Breakfast at the Hay Wain in Epson, which he thanked for offering 'great service'

Twitter user Edmund O'Leary enjoyed a bumper All English Breakfast at the Hay Wain in Epson, which he thanked for offering 'great service' 

Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended
Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended

Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended, including Chris Goldsmith who visited McDonalds 

Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the programme

Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the programme

Every table was full today at Josie's, which is one of the most popular cafés in Winchester. 

Jackie Reis had taken her children Jessica, 19, a waitress, and accountant Brendon, 25, out for brunch with their partners.

'I've just got back from Portugal and I've never felt safer,' she said. 'I felt safe over there and I feel safe here. I've been avoiding big gatherings of people, but I'm just looking forward to things going back to normal.'

A last roll of the dice? Chains continuing the Eat Out to Help Out scheme with their own money 


Toby Carvery

Franco Manca 


Three Cheers Pub Company

Stonehouse Pizza and Carvery

Q Hotels Group

Signature Pub Group

True North Brew Co

Cityglen pubs

The Coconut Tree

56 North - Edinburgh

Smiths Restaurant, Uddingston

Peru Perdu, Manchester

Craft Dining Room, Birmingham

The Wilderness, Birmingham

SIX, Cambridge

Harleys Smokehouse in Staffordshire 


Her son, Brendon, agreed. 'I've been going out a lot more since Eat Out To Help Out was introduced,' he said. 'I've ending up spending way more than I would otherwise. It's like when a shop has a sale and you buy loads of things you never knew you needed.

'The opportunity to make savings like this may never come again, so I've been eating out two to three times a week. The scheme has definitely worked.'

His partner, 24-year-old Zoe Martin, a primary school teacher, agreed. 'The fear is all behind us now,' she said. 'We're all just looking forward to a bit of normality when school starts again next week.'

Waitress Jessica Reis, who was on her day off with her family, said that the opportunity to save had changed her habits. 'Before Covid, I used to go out a couple of times a month. Now it's a weekly occurrence,' she said. 

Her partner, Rob King, 19, who works in a garage in Eastleigh, added that the discount had 'given everyone the confidence we need to get the economy moving'.

'Everyone wants to make the most of it,' he said. 'There was a slight anxiety at first, after emerging from lockdown, but we soon shrugged that off.

'With the safety measures in place everywhere, we don't feel in any danger and things are pretty much back to normal. But that could all change if there was a sudden increase in cases.'

But the Government's discount scheme had not motivated everyone. Hannah Busby, 25, and her sister Emily, 22, were standing outside the café trying to decide whether it was worth waiting three hours for a table.

'We were expecting it to be busy, but not like this,' Hannah said. 'To be honest, we've only come out because it's a Bank Holiday. Saving ten quid is neither here nor there.'

Emily added: 'The savings haven't made a difference throughout. We didn't normally go out from Monday to Wednesday, and we don't now either. It's only due to the Bank Holiday that we're here.'

Their friend, bricklayer Craig Caisley, 24, agreed. 'People are motivated to get out into town after the lockdown anyway,' he said. 'It's not really about the money.'

Solicitor Sarah Campbell, 29, was standing next to them in the queue while she waited for a friend. 'The weather has also played a factor,' she said.

'I live in a flat, so when it was sunny I went out to beer gardens a lot, as I don't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

'The discount was nice but it wasn't a dealbreaker. I think it did give a lot of people confidence, though. And heaven knows we need it at the moment.'     

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme is ending today as its creator Rishi Sunak thanks diners for taking part - but urged them to keep going to restaurants

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme is ending today as its creator Rishi Sunak thanks diners for taking part - but urged them to keep going to restaurants 


One Twitter user said they couldn't book a table 'for love nor money' due to the popularity of the government's discount

One Twitter user said they couldn't book a table 'for love nor money' due to the popularity of the government's discount 

Wetherspoon's plans to keep discounts after Eat Out scheme ends 

Pub operator JD Wetherspoon is launching its own reduced prices scheme after the end of the Government's Eat Out to Help Out initiative.

The move will see prices on a range of meals and drinks reduced from Monday to Wednesday until November 11.

The cheaper prices will start on Tuesday, following the end of the Government's drive to encourage people to eat out by subsidising meals during August.

Wetherspoon said prices on some of its meals and drinks will be cheaper than those available in takeaways.

Chairman Tim Martin said: 'The Government's Eat Out to Help Out scheme was extremely popular with our customers and a great boost to the hospitality industry.

'We are keen to offer our customers a superb choice of food and drink at great value for money prices.

'Our offer means that a classic beef burger in our pubs will be even better value than McDonald's.'


Announcing the end of the scheme, Mr Sunak said: 'As the Eat Out to Help Out scheme draws to a close, I want to say thank you to the diners who have fallen back in love with their local.

'To the managers who have spent weeks ensuring their restaurants were safe and to the chefs, waiters and waitresses across the country who have worked tirelessly, sometimes with more customers than they've ever had before - all helping to protect 1.8 million jobs in the hospitality sector.

'The scheme reminded us why we as a nation love dining out and I urge diners to maintain the momentum to help continue our economic recovery.'

The idea of keeping the scheme going was said to be a matter of live discussion within the Treasury.

Chancellor is warned not to hammer middle classes on fuel, capital gains and pensions to pay off coronavirus bill 

Senior Tories last night urged Rishi Sunak to abandon plans for a £30billion tax grab over fears it could throttle an economic recovery.

The Chancellor is said to be considering a huge fiscal raid in this autumn's Budget to plug the gaping hole in public finances after record spending on coronavirus.

Many of the proposals would hammer the middle classes and better-off.

Fuel duty, capital gains tax, corporation tax, the pension triple lock and pension tax relief are all said to be in the firing line

The proposals are reported to have been drawn up by Treasury officials as 'options' for ministers in the Budget, which is pencilled in for November.

No decisions have yet been taken by ministers about how to deal with a deficit expected to top £300billion this year.

But one Cabinet minister said the Chancellor would face a revolt if he pressed ahead with the tax grab.

'Tax rises of this sort would be the worst possible economic policy to adopt right now,' the minister said. 

'It would guarantee a much deeper recession. Large parts of the economy are still fragile – we need to nurture it, not throttle it.'


One minister told The Daily Telegraph: 'The scheme has been a big success in general, but it's all very well going to your local restaurant down the road for a cheap meal when those restaurants are already doing good business because of people working from home.

'It is the destination restaurants in city centres that need the help, and that's where resources should be concentrated.'

But a Treasury source has now ruled this out.  

A number of chains and establishments have said they will continue the practice into September despite Government financial support being withdrawn.

Wetherspoon's said prices on a range of meals and drinks will be reduced from Monday to Wednesday until November 11.

The cheaper prices will start on Tuesday, following the end of the Government's drive to encourage people to eat out by subsidising meals during August.

Wetherspoon said prices on some of its meals and drinks will be cheaper than those available in takeaways.  

Chairman Tim Martin said: 'The Government's Eat Out to Help Out scheme was extremely popular with our customers and a great boost to the hospitality industry.

'We are keen to offer our customers a superb choice of food and drink at great value for money prices.

'Our offer means that a classic beef burger in our pubs will be even better value than McDonald's.' 

Jemima Ferguson, marketing director at itsu, said: 'The scheme has been hugely successful for us at itsu.

'It's helped to drive over 50% more transactions during the Eat Out to Help Out period each week, without negatively impacting our trade during the rest of the week.

'We believe ripple effects from the positive impact of this scheme will be felt for many months to come.'

Meg Ellis, of Honest Burgers, said: 'We've been really encouraged by the shift in energy in our sector as a result of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.

'We've been able to bring more people back into work as a result of the scheme, which they have really enjoyed, and for some of our friends operating independently in the sector this has been the opportunity to confidently re-open for the first time.

'Seeing the vitality coming back into their restaurants has been a joy to witness.'

The boss of the Greene King pub chain told the BBC that that city centre sites were still struggling, especially in London, despite some of its 3,100 sites seeing a significant boost in sales.  

Andy Lennox, who runs two Zim Braii restaurants in Bournemouth and also founded The Wonky Table network of around 500 hospitality firms, said: 'Trade's record-breaking at the moment.

'It is a false bubble so we're not getting too excited, but Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are up probably 100% [on last year]. The week's up 50%. Thursday has pivoted - it's the new Monday.'

The Chancellor is being urged to continue the scheme from within the Government, reports indicate. 

Staff at The Ivy Victoria in London, prepare the dining area as the government initiative Eat Out to Help Out comes to an end

Staff at The Ivy Victoria in London, prepare the dining area as the government initiative Eat Out to Help Out comes to an end

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2020-08-31 10:26:17Z

Eat Out to Help Out ends TODAY as Rishi Sunak urges diners to keep heading out - Daily Mail

'Food binge day!' Diners make final scramble to restaurants for last day of Eat Out to Help Out as Rishi Sunak RULES OUT extending scheme but Wetherspoon vows to keep discount going

  • Chancellor Rishi Sunak's Eat Out to Help Out scheme is ending today
  • Mr Sunak said that more than 64 million meals had been claimed for so far
  • He thanked everyone who took part in the scheme and urged Britons to eat out 

Britons are locked in a frantic final dash to take advantage of the East Out to Help Out deal today - as Rishi Sunak ruled out extending the promotion but Wetherspoons vowed to launch its own discount scheme. 

Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the programme, which has seen the government pay 50% of the bill up to £10 per head at participating restaurants from Monday to Wednesday.

The Chancellor said more than 64million meals had been claimed since the initiative was launched at the beginning of August.

Reports that it could be extended to help hard-pressed city centres were today dismissed by a senior Treasury source, who told MailOnline: 'We love it as much as everyone else but Rishi is very clear about hard stops.'

Meanwhile, pub operator JD Wetherspoon has said it will fund discounts on meals from Monday to Wednesday until at least November 11, describing the scheme as a 'great boost' to the hospitality industry. 

The programme was part of an attempt to boost the hospitality industry in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended
Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended

Diners celebrated their meal deals today as they made the most of the scheme before it ended 


Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the programme

Diners joked it was 'food binge day' and they would try to 'eat as much as possible' to make the most of the programme

Wetherspoon's plans to keep discounts after Eat Out scheme ends 

Pub operator JD Wetherspoon is launching its own reduced prices scheme after the end of the Government's Eat Out to Help Out initiative.

The move will see prices on a range of meals and drinks reduced from Monday to Wednesday until November 11.

The cheaper prices will start on Tuesday, following the end of the Government's drive to encourage people to eat out by subsidising meals during August.

Wetherspoon said prices on some of its meals and drinks will be cheaper than those available in takeaways.

Chairman Tim Martin said: 'The Government's Eat Out to Help Out scheme was extremely popular with our customers and a great boost to the hospitality industry.

'We are keen to offer our customers a superb choice of food and drink at great value for money prices.

'Our offer means that a classic beef burger in our pubs will be even better value than McDonald's.'


Mr Sunak said: 'As the Eat Out to Help Out scheme draws to a close, I want to say thank you to the diners who have fallen back in love with their local.

'To the managers who have spent weeks ensuring their restaurants were safe and to the chefs, waiters and waitresses across the country who have worked tirelessly, sometimes with more customers than they've ever had before - all helping to protect 1.8 million jobs in the hospitality sector.

'The scheme reminded us why we as a nation love dining out and I urge diners to maintain the momentum to help continue our economic recovery.'

The idea of keeping the scheme going was said to be a matter of live discussion within the Treasury.

One minister told The Daily Telegraph: 'The scheme has been a big success in general, but it's all very well going to your local restaurant down the road for a cheap meal when those restaurants are already doing good business because of people working from home.

'It is the destination restaurants in city centres that need the help, and that's where resources should be concentrated.'

But a Treasury source has now ruled this out.  

A number of chains and establishments have said they will continue the practice into September despite Government financial support being withdrawn.

Wetherspoon's said prices on a range of meals and drinks will be reduced from Monday to Wednesday until November 11.

The cheaper prices will start on Tuesday, following the end of the Government's drive to encourage people to eat out by subsidising meals during August.

Wetherspoon said prices on some of its meals and drinks will be cheaper than those available in takeaways.

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme is ending today as its creator Rishi Sunak thanks diners for taking part - but urges them to keep going to restaurants

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme is ending today as its creator Rishi Sunak thanks diners for taking part - but urges them to keep going to restaurants 

One Twitter user said they couldn't book a table 'for love nor money' due to the popularity of the discount

One Twitter user said they couldn't book a table 'for love nor money' due to the popularity of the discount 

Chancellor is warned not to hammer middle classes on fuel, capital gains and pensions to pay off coronavirus bill 

Senior Tories last night urged Rishi Sunak to abandon plans for a £30billion tax grab over fears it could throttle an economic recovery.

The Chancellor is said to be considering a huge fiscal raid in this autumn's Budget to plug the gaping hole in public finances after record spending on coronavirus.

Many of the proposals would hammer the middle classes and better-off.

Fuel duty, capital gains tax, corporation tax, the pension triple lock and pension tax relief are all said to be in the firing line

The proposals are reported to have been drawn up by Treasury officials as 'options' for ministers in the Budget, which is pencilled in for November.

No decisions have yet been taken by ministers about how to deal with a deficit expected to top £300billion this year.

But one Cabinet minister said the Chancellor would face a revolt if he pressed ahead with the tax grab.

'Tax rises of this sort would be the worst possible economic policy to adopt right now,' the minister said. 

'It would guarantee a much deeper recession. Large parts of the economy are still fragile – we need to nurture it, not throttle it.'


Chairman Tim Martin said: 'The Government's Eat Out to Help Out scheme was extremely popular with our customers and a great boost to the hospitality industry.

'We are keen to offer our customers a superb choice of food and drink at great value for money prices.

'Our offer means that a classic beef burger in our pubs will be even better value than McDonald's.' 

Jemima Ferguson, marketing director at itsu, said: 'The scheme has been hugely successful for us at itsu.

'It's helped to drive over 50% more transactions during the Eat Out to Help Out period each week, without negatively impacting our trade during the rest of the week.

'We believe ripple effects from the positive impact of this scheme will be felt for many months to come.'

Meg Ellis, of Honest Burgers, said: 'We've been really encouraged by the shift in energy in our sector as a result of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.

'We've been able to bring more people back into work as a result of the scheme, which they have really enjoyed, and for some of our friends operating independently in the sector this has been the opportunity to confidently re-open for the first time.

'Seeing the vitality coming back into their restaurants has been a joy to witness.'

The boss of the Greene King pub chain told the BBC that that city centre sites were still struggling, especially in London, despite some of its 3,100 sites seeing a significant boost in sales.  

Andy Lennox, who runs two Zim Braii restaurants in Bournemouth and also founded The Wonky Table network of around 500 hospitality firms, said: 'Trade's record-breaking at the moment.

'It is a false bubble so we're not getting too excited, but Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are up probably 100% [on last year]. The week's up 50%. Thursday has pivoted - it's the new Monday.'

The Chancellor is being urged to continue the scheme from within the Government, reports indicate. 

Staff at The Ivy Victoria in London, prepare the dining area as the government initiative Eat Out to Help Out comes to an end

Staff at The Ivy Victoria in London, prepare the dining area as the government initiative Eat Out to Help Out comes to an end

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2020-08-31 09:38:22Z