Selasa, 11 Februari 2020

UK coronavirus 'super spreader' fears he's infected at least 11 others - New York Post

A British coronavirus “super spreader” says he’s fully recovered from the deadly illness — amid fears that he infected at least 11 other people, according to a new report.

Steve Walsh is under quarantine at a London hospital after becoming infected at Singapore’s Grand Hyatt hotel during a conference for Servomex, a British gas company, the Sun reported.

Walsh, 53, a businessman and local scout leader, then traveled to French ski chalet Les Contamine-Montoje with friends Bob and Catriona Saynor, according to the report. Both Bob and his 9-year-old son contracted the illness and are being treated at a French hospital.

And three men and a woman — including two health care workers — who knew Walsh and are believed to have stayed at the same French resort also fell ill, according to the report.

Walsh returned to the UK on an easyJet flight — sparking a desperate search for the hundreds of passengers who shared the plane with him, the outlet reported.

Walsh, a dad from Hove, East Sussex, told the outlet he contacted his doctor and the country’s public health system as soon as he learned he’d been exposed to a confirmed coronavirus case.

“I was advised to attend an isolated room at hospital, despite showing no symptoms, and subsequently self-isolated at home as instructed,” Walsh said. “When the diagnosis was confirmed I was sent to an isolation unit in hospital, where I remain, and, as a precaution, my family was also asked to isolate themselves.”

Walsh became a leader of the 3rd Hove cub scouts pack, where members call him Shere Khan, back in February 2016, according to the report.

A scouts spokesman told the Sun the leader has not attended any group meetings since becoming infected with the coronavirus.

Health officials told the outlet they’re looking to dig deeper into Walsh’s movements since he contracted the bug.

“Patient confidentiality is important but we may now be at the point where the public’s need to know more information is greater,” said Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia. “It would be helpful to know if he got a taxi straight home or got a bus and stopped off at the supermarket. Letting the public know this timeline will reassure many that they are not at risk.”

Dr. Andrew Freedman, an expert in infectious diseases at Cardiff University, added that it appears Walsh “has passed on the infection to an unusually large number of contacts.”

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2020-02-11 13:20:00Z

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