Minggu, 23 Februari 2020

Four new UK coronavirus cases among ship evacuees - BBC News

Four cruise ship passengers flown to the UK on Saturday have tested positive for coronavirus, bringing the number of confirmed cases in the UK to 13.

They were among a group of 30 Britons and two Irish citizens beginning a 14-day quarantine at Arrowe Park Hospital in Wirral.

The four patients caught the virus on board the Diamond Princess in Japan, England's chief medical officer said.

They have now been transferred to specialist NHS infection centres.

It comes as more than 100 Britons rescued from China ended their isolation in Milton Keynes on Sunday.

The Department of Health said a "full infectious disease risk assessment" was done before Saturday's repatriation flight from Japan, adding that no-one who boarded the flight had displayed any symptoms of the virus.

Janelle Holmes, chief executive at Wirral University Teaching Hospital reassured staff that the hospital was "running as usual".

"When guests arrived yesterday evening, we followed clear guidance in relation to infection prevention control. This was to minimise the chance of any infection spreading."

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2020-02-23 16:18:52Z

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