Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Storm Dennis will be a menace for the UK - CNN

Storm Dennis is now taking shape in the Western Atlantic and will become more menacing over the next day.
A separate but powerful low-pressure system is already in the Atlantic, which will bring damaging winds and blowing snow to Iceland Friday.
Coastal areas of Iceland could see hurricane-force winds Friday, with gusts over 124 mph (200 kph) warned the Icelandic met office.
These two systems will dance around each other Friday before Dennis moves east.
The most substantial part of the storm will move to the north of Ireland on Saturday, then on to the UK on Sunday, though the center of Dennis will not get as close to the UK as storm Ciara did last week. Which means the winds likely won't be as intense.
Winds will not likely reach the 90+ mph gusts seen last weekend. But widespread gusts of 50 mph are likely across the UK Saturday and Sunday, causing another wildly windy weekend.
The winds won't be the only concern. Already saturated ground presents the risk for further flooding.
50 to 80 mm of rain is likely across a widespread areas of the country and isolated amounts of 120 to 140 mm are possible.

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2020-02-14 14:21:00Z

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