Rabu, 23 November 2022

Independence referendum: Scottish government loses indyref2 court case - bbc.co.uk

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The Scottish government cannot hold an independence referendum without the UK government's consent, the Supreme Court has ruled.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to hold a referendum on 19 October next year.

But the court ruled unanimously that she does not have the power to do so because the issue is reserved to Westminster.

The UK government has refused to grant formal consent for a referendum.

Court president Lord Reed said the laws that created the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999 meant it did not have power over areas of the constitution including the union between Scotland and England.

These issues are the responsibility of the UK Parliament, he said, and in absence of an agreement between the two governments the Scottish Parliament is therefore unable to legislate for a referendum.

He also rejected the Scottish government's argument that any referendum would simply be "advisory" and would have no legal effect on the union, with people only being asked to give their opinion on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country.

Lord Reed said: "A lawfully held referendum would have important political consequences relating to the union and the United Kingdom Parliament.

"Its outcome would possess the authority, in a constitution and political culture founded upon democracy, of a democratic expression of the view of the Scottish electorate.

"It is therefore clear that the proposed Bill has more than a loose or consequential connection with the reserved matters of the Union of Scotland and England, and the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament."

Responding to the outcome, Ms Sturgeon said she was disappointed but respected the ruling of the court, and stressed that the judges do not make the law and only interpret it.

She added: "That is a hard pill for any supporter of independence, and surely indeed for any supporter of democracy, to swallow."

The first minister told a media conference that a referendum remained her preferred option, but in the absence of an agreement the SNP would use the next UK general election as a "de facto referendum" in an attempt to demonstrate that a majority of people in Scotland support independence.

The "precise detail" of how this would work will now be a matter for the party to debate, she said, with a special conference to be held in the new year.

Ms Sturgeon said: "We must and we will find another democratic, lawful means for Scottish people to express their will" and accused the UK government of "democracy denial".

nicola sturgeon
PA Media

A series of pro-independence rallies were held in towns and cities across Scotland on Wednesday evening, with Ms Sturgeon addressing a crowd that gathered outside the Scottish Parliament.

She told the rally that the independence movement would now become "Scotland's democracy movement".

Recent opinion polls have suggested that the country is essentially split down the middle on the independence question, but with a very narrow majority in favour of staying in the UK.

However the SNP and Greens form a pro-independence majority in the Scottish Parliament.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed the "clear and definitive ruling" from the Supreme Court.

Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions, he said: "The people of Scotland want us to be working on fixing the major challenges that we collectively face, whether that's the economy, supporting the NHS or indeed supporting Ukraine.

"Now is the time for politicians to work together and that's what this government will do."

Downing Street later said Mr Sunak will seek to avoid another referendum while he is prime minister.

His press secretary told reporters: "I think that would be something that we would look to do."

She added that there had been a "once-in-a-generation referendum not too long ago and that result should be respected".

independence rally
PA Media

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said there was not a majority in Scotland for either a referendum or independence, but there was a "majority in Scotland and across the UK for change".

The case was referred to the Supreme Court by Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC, the Scottish government's top law officer.

Ms Bain said at the time that she did not have the "necessary degree of confidence" that Holyrood would have the power to pass legislation for a referendum without UK government consent.

She said the issue was of "exceptional public importance" and asked the UK's top court to provide a definitive ruling.

The court heard two days of legal arguments from both the UK and Scottish governments last month, with its ruling being delivered just six weeks later - earlier than many experts had expected.

The independence referendum in 2014, in which voters backed remaining in the UK by 55% to 45%, was possible because the UK government agreed to temporarily transfer the necessary powers to the Scottish Parliament to allow the vote to be held through what is known as a Section 30 order.

Presentational grey line
Analysis box by Glenn Campbell, BBC Scotland political editor

Clarity was what Nicola Sturgeon asked for and clarity is what she now has from the UK Supreme Court.

The judges have made clear that the law does not allow Holyrood to legislate for an independence referendum without Westminster's agreement.

That means there will not be an indyref2 on 19 October 2023, as the Scottish government had planned.

SNP ministers will accept the judgement and respect the law. A wildcat ballot in the Catalan-style is not an option.

A legal referendum can only happen if the first minister somehow persuades the prime minister to abandon his opposition.

There's little prospect of that happening in the short term, so the renewed campaign for independence just became a longer haul.

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2022-11-23 17:56:21Z

Independence referendum: Scottish government loses indyref2 court case - BBC

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The Scottish government cannot hold an independence referendum without the UK government's consent, the Supreme Court has ruled.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to hold a referendum on 19 October next year.

But the court ruled unanimously that she does not have the power to do so because the issue is reserved to Westminster.

The UK government has refused to grant formal consent for a referendum.

Court president Lord Reed said the laws that created the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999 meant it did not have power over areas of the constitution including the union between Scotland and England.

These issues are the responsibility of the UK Parliament, he said, and in absence of an agreement between the two governments the Scottish Parliament is therefore unable to legislate for a referendum.

He also rejected the Scottish government's argument that any referendum would simply be "advisory" and would have no legal effect on the union, with people only being asked to give their opinion on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country.

Lord Reed said: "A lawfully held referendum would have important political consequences relating to the union and the United Kingdom Parliament.

"Its outcome would possess the authority, in a constitution and political culture founded upon democracy, of a democratic expression of the view of the Scottish electorate.

"It is therefore clear that the proposed Bill has more than a loose or consequential connection with the reserved matters of the Union of Scotland and England, and the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament."

Responding to the outcome, Ms Sturgeon said she was disappointed but respected the ruling of the court, and stressed that the judges do not make the law and only interpret it.

She added: "That is a hard pill for any supporter of independence, and surely indeed for any supporter of democracy, to swallow."

The first minister told a media conference that a referendum remained her preferred option, but in the absence of an agreement the SNP would use the next UK general election as a "de facto referendum" in an attempt to demonstrate that a majority of people in Scotland support independence.

The "precise detail" of how this would work will now be a matter for the party to debate, she said, with a special conference to be held in the new year.

Ms Sturgeon said: "We must and we will find another democratic, lawful means for Scottish people to express their will" and accused the UK government of "democracy denial".

nicola sturgeon
PA Media

A series of pro-independence rallies were held in towns and cities across Scotland on Wednesday evening, with Ms Sturgeon addressing a crowd that gathered outside the Scottish Parliament.

She told the rally that the independence movement would now become "Scotland's democracy movement".

Recent opinion polls have suggested that the country is essentially split down the middle on the independence question, but with a very narrow majority in favour of staying in the UK.

However the SNP and Greens form a pro-independence majority in the Scottish Parliament.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed the "clear and definitive ruling" from the Supreme Court.

Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions, he said: "The people of Scotland want us to be working on fixing the major challenges that we collectively face, whether that's the economy, supporting the NHS or indeed supporting Ukraine.

"Now is the time for politicians to work together and that's what this government will do."

Downing Street later said Mr Sunak will seek to avoid another referendum while he is prime minister.

His press secretary told reporters: "I think that would be something that we would look to do."

She added that there had been a "once-in-a-generation referendum not too long ago and that result should be respected".

independence rally
PA Media

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said there was not a majority in Scotland for either a referendum or independence, but there was a "majority in Scotland and across the UK for change".

The case was referred to the Supreme Court by Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC, the Scottish government's top law officer.

Ms Bain said at the time that she did not have the "necessary degree of confidence" that Holyrood would have the power to pass legislation for a referendum without UK government consent.

She said the issue was of "exceptional public importance" and asked the UK's top court to provide a definitive ruling.

The court heard two days of legal arguments from both the UK and Scottish governments last month, with its ruling being delivered just six weeks later - earlier than many experts had expected.

The independence referendum in 2014, in which voters backed remaining in the UK by 55% to 45%, was possible because the UK government agreed to temporarily transfer the necessary powers to the Scottish Parliament to allow the vote to be held through what is known as a Section 30 order.

Presentational grey line
Analysis box by Glenn Campbell, BBC Scotland political editor

Clarity was what Nicola Sturgeon asked for and clarity is what she now has from the UK Supreme Court.

The judges have made clear that the law does not allow Holyrood to legislate for an independence referendum without Westminster's agreement.

That means there will not be an indyref2 on 19 October 2023, as the Scottish government had planned.

SNP ministers will accept the judgement and respect the law. A wildcat ballot in the Catalan-style is not an option.

A legal referendum can only happen if the first minister somehow persuades the prime minister to abandon his opposition.

There's little prospect of that happening in the short term, so the renewed campaign for independence just became a longer haul.

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2022-11-23 16:41:56Z

Selasa, 22 November 2022

King Charles welcomes South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa - in pictures - BBC

King Charles and Camilla, the Queen Consort, welcomed Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday at the beginning of his two-day visit to the UK. It is the King's first state visit since he ascended the throne in September, and the first in more than three years due to the pandemic.

The royal carriage, black and gold, embarks on its journey pulled by white horses. In the foreground are people in red uniforms on horseback.
Standing in a line from right to left with soldiers saluting behind them: Cyril Ramaphosa, King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate.
Getty Images
Cyril Ramaphosa with a smiling Prince and Princess of Wales.

Mr Ramaphosa also met with the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, looks out of a carriage window. She is wearing a hat, red coat and a brooch with diamonds. She also has pearl earrings on.
Queen Consort Camilla in a royal blue suit and hat, meeting with a man dressed in gold and blue robes.
Mr Ramaphosa holds a picture of Queen Elizabeth II with Nelson Mandela as he talks to Camilla and King Charles III.
Getty Images

During a visit to the Buckingham Palace Picture Gallery, the South African president was shown around an exhibition of Royal Collection artefacts.

Mr Ramaphosa picked up a photograph of the late Queen side by side with Mr Mandela at the state banquet in the Palace in 1996, saying: "This lovely picture."

The King remarked "you were lucky to have known both".

Soldiers dressed in dark clothing march along with guns in hands.
Getty Images
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman laughs. She is surrounded by officials.
Kirsty Wigglesworth
The UK Prime Minister smiles as he lines up alongside men in various uniforms.
Leon Neal
The King and South African president walk in front of a line of guards.
A huge amount of horses are ridden by soldiers down the Mall in London. British flags line the street on both sides. The royal carriage is in the middle.
Getty Images
Mr Ramaphosa stood in front of a lectern at the Palace of Westminster.

Mr Ramaphosa went on to address MPs and officials in the Royal Gallery at the Palace of Westminster.

South Africa's President, Cyril Ramaphosa, King Charles and Camilla, Queen Consort
Getty Images

The evening continued with a white-tie state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

The Princess of Wales wearing
PA Media

The Princess of Wales wore a pearl bracelet belonging to the late Queen, as well as Diana, Princess of Wales's earrings, at the banquet.

The Princess of Wales and President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, take part in a toast at the State Banquet held at Buckingham Palace
PA Media

All pictures subject to copyright.

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2022-11-22 21:13:30Z

King Charles welcomes South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa - in pictures - BBC

King Charles and Camilla, the Queen Consort, welcomed Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday at the beginning of his two-day visit to the UK. It is the King's first state visit since he ascended the throne in September, and the first in more than three years due to the pandemic.

The royal carriage, black and gold, embarks on its journey pulled by white horses. In the foreground are people in red uniforms on horseback.
Standing in a line from right to left with soldiers saluting behind them: Cyril Ramaphosa, King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate.
Getty Images
Cyril Ramaphosa with a smiling Prince and Princess of Wales.

Mr Ramaphosa also met with the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, looks out of a carriage window. She is wearing a hat, red coat and a brooch with diamonds. She also has pearl earrings on.
Queen Consort Camilla in a royal blue suit and hat, meeting with a man dressed in gold and blue robes.
Mr Ramaphosa holds a picture of Queen Elizabeth II with Nelson Mandela as he talks to Camilla and King Charles III.
Getty Images

During a visit to the Buckingham Palace Picture Gallery, the South African president was shown around an exhibition of Royal Collection artefacts.

Mr Ramaphosa picked up a photograph of the late Queen side by side with Mr Mandela at the state banquet in the Palace in 1996, saying: "This lovely picture."

The King remarked "you were lucky to have known both".

Soldiers dressed in dark clothing march along with guns in hands.
Getty Images
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman laughs. She is surrounded by officials.
Kirsty Wigglesworth
The UK Prime Minister smiles as he lines up alongside men in various uniforms.
Leon Neal
The King and South African president walk in front of a line of guards.
A huge amount of horses are ridden by soldiers down the Mall in London. British flags line the street on both sides. The royal carriage is in the middle.
Getty Images
Mr Ramaphosa stood in front of a lectern at the Palace of Westminster.

Mr Ramaphosa went on to address MPs and officials in the Royal Gallery at the Palace of Westminster.

All pictures subject to copyright.

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2022-11-22 16:46:32Z